lauantai 17. tammikuuta 2009

Uku's - Unread and read books 2007

Good morning, cookies. This morning I though that I list the books that I am currently in the middle of reading them. I don't surely know why... Probably to show that it is possible to read several books or begin to read several books and forget the ones that are dull... Just like that LoTR book that I lost my interest with since I found it as boring. That narration style is boring, probably not the story since it has its moments though. ^^'

  • Paul Féval - The Vampire Countess ~ If you don't know this Féval was one of the first vampire story writers ever. He wrote this book long before Stoker wrote Dracula. It is not usual bloodbath vampire story, not yet it is at least and it is mysterious masquerade type of thing. :3 I haven't continued reading this since February I think but not because it is boring, but because I used to read this at bus at the morning and at the afternoons. This was kinda pushed aside since I red some other books, wrote and was hanging on MSN too often to pay attention on this. x'D I will be most likely digging this one up at January again. x'D
  • Gilbert Aullen - Le Chevalier mystére ( I couldn't translate the finnish tittle into reasonable sense so let's use the original tittle instead... ) ~ This is probably one of the oldest books I have. It's been printed at 1959 aka looong before I was born. O.O' The story seems very nice and fun as far as I have red it... Something was brought along and it got lost of reading this. :( Well... I think I know where I left with this so I can catch up when feeling like continuing to read this...
  • James Hinton - "The blue moon" ~ I am not even sure if that is the book's real name because the original title hadn't been printed anywhere on the book as they normally are. O.o' This is supposed to be adventure book or something... At this far it is as interesting as seeing evening news about hijacked plane. ^^' Neither I don't have much high hopes about this book... Yeah, that much it is out of the usual books I read.
  • Salman Rushie - Midnight's children ~ Might be interesting when I read more. Yet I don't have not a single thought to good or the worse about it. And hopefully it doesn't keep on moving on in the middle zone. O.o'
  • Kaari Utrio - Eevan tyttäret - naisen, lapsen ja perheen historia ( Daughter's of Eve - the history of women, children and family ) ~ I just wish this book was available in English so everybody could read it and learn a quite deal about it. This one really is interesting and tells a quite deal of stuff that hasn't been printed in school's history books but it should be there and also the history teachers should know about this stuff...
  • Weis & Hickman - The Rose of The Prophet volume one : The Will of The Wanderer ~ Bwahahaaha! It has been a while since I have red anything this funny. x'D And this is really funny or I have odd sense of humor. >'D I just hope that the book stays as funny as how it began after prologue. x'D

    Oookei.... Just seven books to go.. No problem.. x'D And here are the books I think I red this year.... Now I don't count manga volumes here... I am not sure about the first two of the list since I can't remember anymore when exactly I had red them but it was winter and I was at the class so...Yep, it was January 2007. x'D

    • Hideuki Kikuchi - Demon deathchace ~ Ah, Vampire Hunter D. :3 Since that the movie the bloodlust hasn't been the same. Bloodlust is heavy romanced version of the book and it's difficult to say witch one is better... But I really liked this book. :3
    • S.E Hinton ~ Hawke's Harbor ~ A vampire story but not very much from the traditional vampire story route. Neither the writing style was traditional and it was very colorful one. :3 It was a nice story with really sad end. *seeks tissues* And a book for the teens? O.O' Riiiight... even adults can read this and most likely it can get even an adult to cry when it ends....
    • Judy Allen - The Encyclopedia of Fantasy - neat sorta of knollege book. :3 Could be thicker and could be wider... ^^'
    • Lemony Snicket - first three of the Baudelair's orpans's stories. :3 One after another. I know they are for children and all but I got hooked!!! O.O'
    • Deborah Moggach - Tulip Fever ~ Not a book that I normally would read but this one good. O.O' I mean really good... except the end was just easy way out... x'(
    • Debi Gliori - Strega Borgia Chronicles: Pure Dead Magic, Pure Dead Wicked, Pure Dead Brilliant, Deep Trouble, Deep Water and Deep Fear ~ All red. Again and two of the last ones I bought this summer. :3 Last one of the books I was missing Deep trouble I was able to caught from the auction just like the first two of the serie. :3 I just gotta say that I love this serie. :3 And yep, a definetelly a serie of books which I will read over and over again...
    • Anthony Horowitz - Raven's gate ~ Some of the names like Ipswitch reminds me of The Covenant; the movie directed by Renny Harling. Yep, that Finnish movie director. <.<' Ok, and this was about a book, not that movie. x'D Well.. The book was ok and I cannot much wait until second volume is available with Finnish translation. I would be lying if I claim that I hadn't like this book...
    • Kaari Utrio - Kun nainen hallitsi, rakasti ja vihasi ( When woman ruled, loved and hated ) - Sorta of historical cut through and imaginationed life of several marketable women lived in the past times. It was quite interesting stuff to read and the author of the book has ultimate ability to wear a mask of those women and tell their stories and most likely it has been very close as she has told it to be.
    • Paolo Coelho - Alchemist - All I could say after reading this book; WOW! This was something.
    • Mary Norton - The Borrowers - So I have finally red the child's classic and... Uhm... There are parts that made me grin and remember all what I had red about the history and brainwashed behavior of the people of that time. x'D I dunno did I like this book or not. As a story it sounded quite fun and yet it was... I don't know..
    • J.R.R Tolkien - Letter from Father Christmas ~ I red this last week. x'D And it's first Tolkien's book that I managed to finish... O.o' I was surprised that he had used some Finnish words to name three of the characters in the those letters that he wrote to his children as Santa. <.<' No, I did not feel asleep when reading this as I did with LoTR several times. ^^' I dunno... Good imagination for a guy who probably had never been at The North.
    • Judy Allen - Encyclopedia of Supernatural ~ uhm... It was interesting but again a bit too short. ^^' Only some most famous stuff was actually introduced... But lots of pretty pictures. I love the cover art. :3
    • Richard Dalby - Vampire stories ~First this book is one of my resent investments and bought at the auction. And I didn't expect that I would began to read it this much soon... AAAAARGH! The temptation!!!! Collection of short vampire novels. :3 I love this booo-ook..... :3
    • Neil Gaiman - Coraline ~ I could have sworn I saw burton styled figures moving at the back of my mind... But this was really good story. :3

    20 books red. :3 And nothing stops me from reading more. x'D

    Edit- 28-12-2007/ Added few books to the read list. :3

    Edit-30-12-2007 / a book under the read ones. :3

    ~ Uku

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