lauantai 17. tammikuuta 2009

Books - October 2008


  • Trinity Blood volme 5 of Finnish edition ( 10.10.2008 ) - Last TB in Finnish for this owl. *grrrr!*
  • Inuasha vol 36 ( 11.10.2008 )
  • Petshop of Horrors vol. 2 ( 11.10.2008 )
  • Vagabond vol. 3
  • The Tarot Café vol. 6 - You don't know how long I have been waiting for this volume!!! Hopefully they'll publish 7th sooner than delay it for 5 months. >..<' ( Finnish edition... )

Online manga + scanlations etc:

  • Battle Royale volumes 1-8 - Omg! I thought that BR was rather brutal and twisted as a movie but Manga... much much twisted, brutal, wider combination. For some odd reason I like this manga a lot and this is on my wishlist of manga I want to get. I don't know why but I found this one very addictive.


Looks very poor this month, cookies and I haven't much done nothing so I should have plenty of time to read something trough but... Oo' There you see how bad investment some strategy PC game can be. x')



Original posting: 6.11.2008

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