lauantai 17. tammikuuta 2009

Books 2008 - March

March opened all the sudden...

  • Marja-Leena Lempinen - Mustan suden aika ( Time of the Black Wolf ) - First of all I would love to say a message for the author of this book ( though she won't be reading it ) NEVER MIX REALITY RELIGIONS INTO FICTIOUS STORY OF FANTASY LAND!!!! I had enough to stand with everyday names that some of the sounded unrealistic to that time. ^^' Yep, another error spot in the story. first point was to mix the modern day Christian way of believe in middle aged world that doesn't exist. ( the land ) The religion has been different and a bit more brutal on that time and witchcraft and other shit that the church invented and hunted and exterminated would have been there. So the place is totally wrong place for religion stuff to excist. Obviously the writer's imagination has been limited when inventing at least a bit interesting story otherwise or not thinking all the possibilities trough first. This kind of evil reader I am... If I spot something unrealistic that doesn't fit to the great picture it is as good as ruined. Yet there are probably id... intellectual people who like the story and not give a damn to that there might be some unrealistic holes in the story. Anyway people might find the rest of the story amusing and good. And that what it is, a bit philosophic but there won't be happy ending for the main characters. It is not a plus or minus thing but somehow I think that it could have been told a bit better.
  • Viivi Hyvönen - Mahlaa suonissaan ( Sap in veins ) - I have been though that this book might be very boring for years and that's why I haven't lend it any sooner, but for my surprise it wasn't boring at all. And it is polar opposite to the book I red earlier. Some rare Finnish people can write really good fantasy. Only unlogically discovered was the fate of one fire sprite, otherwise the story and characters were well written and writer really has know what she has been doing when writing and not written it with symbols of euros in her eyes either. In this book there's first of all lot of halfbreeds, mythical forest people, anything you name it and even moving forest. And the final battle between Witch and Wizard. There's also one dragon appearing. Pointless to say but I really enjoyed with reading this book and I didn't see the end coming as it did which was surprising and sad. I recommend it warmly for anyone who wants to know what real fantasy is all about and how that world of magic and swords really works.
  • Markus Sedgwick - Black horse - At first I would like to say that size of this book should fit for anyone. I read these tiny books as snack. x') Read in one or two days. -This one I spend all together about 5 hours... ^^' So that is what I meant by 'snack book'... Story is jumps back and forth in past and presence until both the main hero of the book and general storyline get to the same point. That story telling type is a bit odd but it is not troublesome at least. Story itself is surprising. I never had that one coming. O.o Mainly it is about a girl who has been raised by wolfes far away her tribe who are then looking at her while wiping out every village they come across until they find her again and she gets her memory back and wants to slave the people who found her from wolves and who she grow up with. She has telepathic abilities. The handover of survivors saved the captured ones and they wiped out her real people. She escaped to the woods and lived there happily surrounded by wolves. it was good story I must say but did leave me on the middle of like-dislike line. ^^'
  • Diane Duane - So you want to be a wizard - Is one of those rare books that have kept their original name in translation. One other thing about name that something made me avoid the book too. Original version has been put out 1983! Long before Potter made it and yet they translated this 2003.... O.O'
    I had assumed the book being translated very boring or at least containing nothing new... =.O'
    So happy to be wrong. :3
    Story kicks in from the first page as it seems to do with real books, you know, those rare kinds which are written well and not even translator has messed them up, so the reader just dives in and probably likes the world descripted inside the lines. This story opens a bit like Coelho's Alchemist in some ways but without the massive philosophy.
  • Diane Duane - Deep Wizardly - Sequel to the So, you want to be a wizard book and this second part not only kicks ass, it also brings tears in eyes in close to end. What I can say, I did like and enjoy what I red. Best part ever is how well the author has told the realization of quite young heroes to take responsibility huge to their own shoes and how it feels to be preparing to die and sacrificing own life so others would survive.
    Other amazing part was how the story went under water,there are whales, there are sharks...
    And message to look after the world, our planet where we do live.
    I wonder how many pics these kind of stuff out of the story? <.<' Because looks like some sort of tiny moral lectures has been hidden in this book... There is very less entertainment between these cover, or if there is, reader isn't thinking sanely.
  • Diane Duane - High Wizardy - Sequal to Deep Wizardy and it was as good as the two others.


Inuyasha 30, Ranma 1/2 volumes 1-17, Trinity blood vol. 5 ( english ), Winter Demon vol. 3, Fushigi Yuuki 12 & 13, Tarot Café vol. 5, Trinity Blood vol. 2 ( finnish edition ) :3


Manga = 21 volumes

Books = 6

Couldn't read:

Wolfgang and Heike Hohlbein - Underland, 1 & 2 - BORING!


Originally posted. 1.4.2008



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