lauantai 17. tammikuuta 2009

Books - August - 2008

  • Trinity Blood - Rage Against The Moons ( RAM ) - Vol.1 From The Empire - Sunao Yoshida - *fangirl's squeek* I had my expectations about this novel and I was a bit afraid to even begin reading this... But finally I did and... And... It turned out to be even more better than I had assumed. O.O' I really mean the whole book is WHOA! type of reading.... * yep, yep, trinity blood fan reading it... * But still even I wouldn't have seen the anime or manga but accidentally gotten my hands on this book, I would have fall into it for sure. Well... finding the manga first before anime... and so and so...
    For people who don't know what's Trinity Blood is about. It is sci-fi storyline consisting far future world after Armageddon, where alien race, Methuselah, who's pretty much like vampires and often referred and called as vampires. The Methuselah and humans are fighting against each others to find their place in the more or less broken world. ( at least that's how I figured it out )Vatican is holding the ultimate power of the human side and for Methuselah side it is The New Human Empire. Story sets Vatican's section AX into hero role ( don't worry, there will be Methuselah heroes coming up too. It isn't at all propaganda book. No, no, no off that though! Mush!  )
    No, the settlings surely aren't as boring they might sound or as predictable. No, no, not at all.. In this world anything can happen and I really mean anything! The interesting and rather slightly odd characters will keep the story very much together.
    Yep, Abel, that means you. x'D
    Neither were the stories dull. The action and twist of humor did make very well balanced story.
    Ok, ok, I did drool after Thores Shibamoto's artwork. :3 * mmmm.... Hugue...... *
    In case you also liked the book it might leave you graving for more. Luckily there is more... Rage Against the Moons has 6 volumes and it will continue in Reborn on Mars which also has 6 volumes. And little warning when you watch Trinity Blood anime, the anime has taken episodes from both of the series so it will offer quite a bouncy journey.
    So people who have watched the anime and then find this book, the book series will offer lot of surprises. Just like manga might offer since the manga focuses fully on Reborn on Mars storyline. ;) ( 19.08.2008 )


  • Carmilla - J.Sheridan LeFanu - One of those old old old vampire stories there is. Carmilla is from 1872, thought it was first published in parts 1871... That is for you to realize how old the story is... And yes, if was written before Stoker's Dracula. Carmilla is told by young girl who ends up Carmilla's vicitim. Only thing that bothered me was the fancy English used to write it... =.=' And the fact that main character and her father are pretty dumb gooses... It takes about three chapters for them to realize that Millarca and Carmilla ( Don't you just love vampires using anagrams of their names. x'''D ) are one and the same person and entire novel for main character to realize that she has been very close to death. x'''D ( 23.08.2008 )

Manga department:

  • Inuyasha 34
  • King of Hell  vol. 10
  • Hellsing vol. 1 ( re-reading ;) )
  • Fullmetal Alchemist 17


Ok, this month looks poor with books and manga.... I had no urgent to go to shopping so no new manga except what came via mail. =..='

Mainly I did spent this mont... hmmm... Not sure drawing and writing and hanging online in instant messenger. x'D Really, I did type like mad owl with two fan fic challenges, tries to clean up the cowbarn... yes, no much time to read. :(


Orignal post: 31.8.2008

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