lauantai 17. tammikuuta 2009

Books 2008 - January

Hello there cookies, I assume that I better began to keep up a list of books that I have read this year... A bit different rules than last year, this time the books that I have read from beginning to the end and categorie them on what month I finished reading them. :3 Very simple, nee?

  • Stephen King - Salem's lot : A book that became an obsession after seeing part of mini serie basing on this book. I found one from my fav. auction place with reasonable price, bought it and I had planned to save it for later but you know... I took and red it and liked it a lot though it could have been a bit longer... Finnish translators had renamed the book as Painajainen ( 'The Nightmare' btw ), if some Finns read this. It is vampire story, reminding me about Hideuki Kikuchi's Vampire Hunter D vampire style by the way what happens when vampire moves nearby. ;)
  • Neil Gaiman - Absolute Sandman volumes 1 & 2 : Two gigantic bricks of comic books and yes, I have red them both. One of the rare(?) comic series that I like and it was very positive surprise to see something this different. I mean Sandman is different from usual comic books. I like the story and The Endless. How the story doesn't rise the main character to the god position.
  • Patricia C.Wrede - Calling of dragons : I accidentally notice this and that other book, but not the second one of the serie though, lend them and began reading. Let's say that idea of blue donkey with wings is original. x'D This book however convinced me not to even think about trying to get this into my collections. <.<' Though here these seem to be found only at the library anyway. ^^'
  • Patricia C.Wrede - Talking to Dragons : It was differently told about than the others and I liked it on it's odd way... Good thing though that there are only four of these books, right?
  • Leena Virtanen - Varastettu isoäiti ( Stolen grandma ) : Collection of the very basic and most common urban legends. Actually in a sort of way this book was actually quite much alike with Help, the liver is crawling of the same author.. >.<' DISSAPOINTMENT!
  • Naurava Kummitus ( Laughing ghost ) : collection of Scandinavian ghost stories. Stories from Island, Greenland, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Same people. :3 Very likable book with variable stories. Easy to like.

Summa sumarum: 6 books in all together

Language: All books were in Finnish

Originally posted. 4.2.2008


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