lauantai 17. tammikuuta 2009

Books - November 2008


  • I am Legend - Richard Matheson - Definetelly separates from the movie.. Oo' It is like movie has gotten inspiration and basic idea and character name from this novel and that is about it. In the book Robert Neville is somewhat serious alcoholic who seems to drink whenever he wants to and that gets a bit annoying but I guess that is just the way only simple man could see the situation. Drinking and women seem to be his prime problems until he finally gets over his lust after women. He does dins out the bacteria causing the vampirism in that world, but the cure... nothing that would cure the people turned into vampires. And vampires, they are close the mythical real things than those hairless, greyish howling berserk freaks from the cloning laboratory seen in the movie version..  Though I had a mental image of the howling mindless pale freaks mixed with shark genes on them seen in 30 days after. Oo' ( no the vampires of that movie weren't really mixed with shark genes, I just say that because they appearances just game me that kind of impression... ) I was also a bit amazed that how a person like Neville could have survived so long, it took him five months to realize what effect sunlight has on the vampires. Oo' And in the end... Well... In the movie there wasn't that new type of vampires who hadn't end up all the way sick. And did he die in the end in the book like he did in the movie? Yes he did but on suicide pill... In all together story was interesting, minus drinking ( too much of it and it was like in almost on every page. oO'  ) and it did offer scientific theory for vampires. And some of the vampires were physically alive. Oo' Now, that was new. I can't say I liked the book, but I don't hate it either or want to get rid of it. It made me laugh in few times... Most of the time it was: wtf, he's drinking AGAIN?! x''D ( 13.11.2008 )

  • Robert A. Heinlein - Podkayne of Mars - Excuse me what I was reading but this was boring teenager drama about rather narrow minded teen slut in sci-fi format. I red this because I thought it could be better, sad it was worse than I could ever imagine. Oo' I didnät like the noisy, slutty main character, more rather I sorta liked her little brother who was just spoiled selffish and greed little bastard. Story is getting interesting after 185 ( which is nearly at the end of the book ) Before that it is all dull gossip and mafia alike blackmailing and teen ranting about the family cannot go to Earth *boohoo and add fake tears here. ) So after the family's grandfather who happens to be senator uses his power and so he takes the brats in the space trip on high class star ship and one of the best there is in fact. And then it is gossip, description of the spaceship and the cruise of the rich grannies. Teen drama and teen babbling... Gah, we get that brainless stuff enough nowadays but then did the Author really need to write a crap like this? I guess the only reason why I picked this one up was that it had been renamed as 'Battle in Venus' in Finland rather than let it kep it's original name and try to translate that. Generally about the characters I think that they were rather shallow and plain, spoiled greedy brats, evil genius little brother...Good example of how to ruin average story by leaving all the action in the end, selecting characters from the top class or put them in top class and give them nasty properties that everyone dislikes but the mother ignores... The best way to ruin story is to bring along these Mary-Sues and write it from I point of view. x'''D If you haven't yet noticed; I didn't like this book at all. There above are the reasons why I didn't like it. It had very little the sparkling moments that were actually funny but those were one sentence miracles. I would recommend this book for people who want drama without adventure and not much of the violence.... Thought there is few cruel murders made by Podkayne's little brother in the end of the book but people can easily skip the afterword part if they don't wish to know what happened when when the story ended in the air. Note to self: Try to get rid of this book. * snorts* One thing that made me to giggle was that the author had been labeled as the master of science fiction. In what planet? Really I just wish that other books of this author aren't as boring and stupid as this one was. So if you want action or anything more livable story go to read something else. Anything else. ( 22.11.2008 )

  • Frederico Andahazi - Anatomi ( El Anatomista ) - Fictious this it might have been the story in 1500 with inquisition institutes, witch trials, pyres and anatomy lessons when doctors were taking the fragile steps to understand the mysteries of the body. It seemed to be the time of wicked wild theories of how the body works and why it works and it was time when Sun and everything else were going around Earth and people seemed to figure out that the world was round. But indeed it is very bad timing for anatomi to discover woman's penis... ( read clitoris ) There is also bordellos included with kurtisans of course, pedofilia included and some biting of some male members... Some human experiments and how innocent little child were murdered to feed the pope with their blood for him to recover... He also get breastfeeding... And for sure not a book for Catholics to read, but for people who want good story and little quantium leap to the past. Indeed this book was very interesting, I had kept in on the shell for a time, I dunno why, maybe because of the name or something like that but I was positively surprised by how good book this one was with livable characters and all. Another book sort of this was that Tulip Fever, but that was fictious, no? This had a lot more reality base behind. What I should think about? Be offended? I wonder why is that, I found the this book interesting and that's that. Of course it had erotic mixed in but that I guess was nesessary evil, pedofiles... In time when girls were tend to marry old creepy perverts in much younger than being 16. That was that day and if something to be glad at the modern day; that is not same today anymore, though it might be in some countries...  ( 23.11.2008 ) Yes, it was fast to read and I did read all day long from morning to the evening.


  • Blame vol. 6 ( 04.11.2008 )
  • Blame vol. 7 ( 04.11.2008 )
  • Blame vol. 8 ( 04.11.2008 )
  • Blame vol. 9 ( 04.11.2008 )
  • Blame vol. 10 ( 07.11.2008 )
  • Vampire Hunter D  vol. 2 - Oh my.... Follows very well the plot of Raiser of Gales... D... * glomps D at that instant * ( 10.11.2008 )
  • Death Note vol. 5 ( 18.11.2008 )
  • Priest vol. 3 ( 18.11.2008 )
  • Bizenghast 5 ( 18.11.2008 )
  • Pet shop of Horrors vol. 3 ( 18.11.2008 )
  • Model vol.3 ( 19.11.2008 )
  • Fullmetal Alchemist ( 21.11.2008 )
  • Trinty Blood vol. 8. ( 28.11.2008 )

Online manga + scanlations etc:

  • Battle Royale volumes 9-15  - wow, I can't believe that I have actually read the whole serie by now. Oo' In all together the manga was a bit better from the movie, the movie had squished the story and with manga it spread to introduce the students's past... Only thing that bothered how effective inhuman predator Kiriyama had been made. There were moments when I was wow; that guy is not even a human?! Oo' Damnit, he was more like a vampire or dhampir  when he kept jumping and hasting trough the woods. oO' Though his a bit supernatural skills and precence didn't bother as nearly as much as his death that lasted 9 chapters. Oo' But still he was my fav. character in that manga. :3 Why the heck they make bad characters so damn hot? oO' Not to mention that he looked like D from Vampire Hunter D. Oo' ( without tight long wavy hair, pendant, leather suit, hat, sword, fangs and talking hand etc... ) Another cutie was Sugimura and it was sad to see him die. :(  I did find sequel but that as far as I red might had good plot but the graphic was... well... too plain for my eyes.
    Note to self: Definitely a serie worth of getting into bookshelf. Yep, decided what I am going to invest my money on next year... ^^' And forget BR II....
  • Pink Sniper - hentai manga yes but funny one and not actually drawn with sadistic matter as they usually are, but with blink and devil's horns with sort of naughty way. But don't get the wrong idea, it is still HC stuff. ^^'




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