lauantai 17. tammikuuta 2009

Books - July 2008

  • Ghost stories - collection of short horror stories from various authors. There are ghosts, vampires, monsters... But the most annoying was that there was short scenes taken from the classic long novels to some sort of teasers. BIG MINUS! well.. thanks this damn book Uku now has full versions of LeFanu's Carmilla, Wilde's Portrait of Dorian Grey... Stoker's Dracula and Shelley's Frankenstein and Miller's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde I already had. x'D  And another BIG MINUS comes from that the book could have been bigger and contain a liiiitle bit more short horror stories...


  • Glen Duncan - I, Lucifer - I highly recommend everyone who is looking for fun and good story to read this trough... even the main character is Lucifer himself, Satan etc... No, you don't need to be satan worshipper to read this, I highly doubt that they are even reading anything but I might be wrong too...


Manga department

  • Model - Luckily you didn't see or hear Uku's Meep! cry in the store when spotting this. x')
  • King of Hell 8
  • King of Hell 9
  • Death Note vol. 2
  • Fushigi Yuuki vol. 17

Online manga + scanlations

  • Goth 1 - so what if it's scanlation, I am definitely going to buy this one too in some point and I am waiting for more of this wicked stuff. :3 This manga is wicked, bloody, twisted... !!! x') Very, very detailed and well done horror story indeed.



Originally posted: 2.8.2008

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