lauantai 17. tammikuuta 2009

Books - May 2008

Stephen King - Cell - What I can say is... wow. I really liked this book. *glaring at her plastix devil suspiciously* Story goes like this; cellphones turn people into something like raging maniacs but that is only the beginning. Situation developes worse from there. Characters are created interesting matter. Storyline is well spinned straight to the end except.... one little thing bothered me there... What happens next?! Did Clay get his son's mind back or not. Did he meet his friends at all. C'mon there's sequal for that for sure! x'D

I like to claim that the translator has put best on this to make it readable. :3 ( 8.5.2008 )

Ahmet Zappa - The Monstrous Memoirs of a mighty McFearless - Firs thing I would want to do would be to find the person who translated this book to Finnish and spank him or give the prize of most stupid translation ever made. =.=' Translator has succeed to ruin the whole book. Story might be ok, but some words that the bozo who translated it are wrong and shouldn't never even used unless person isn't talking that way and using those words. >.<' Translator has used slang and sorta childish word trough entire story from monsters in it, making them sound cute and huggable while they will crush your bones and eat you and stitch clothes off your skin... (04.05.2008 )

Robin Cook - Toxic - Story about what happened when sick cow is being sold to butchers where it comes out as a part of hamburger steaks... A girl eats hamburger, gets serious food poisoning and dies when nobody does much nothing to it when everybody are thinking about the profits. The Hospital and the people who are responsible of that. Actually the meat company is ready to kill the girl's father and everyone who help him to get the evidences. ( 24.05.2008 ) Remind me not to eat meat at USA if I ever visit there. O.O'

Manga department:

Mark of Succubus vol. 2 ( finnish edition ) - I have been waiting this for so long time that I almost walked pass it at the grossary store when it finally was there! x'D ( I really need to rant that publisher company later... =.=' ) Let's say that the storyline jumped again into whole new interesting levels. :3 ( 02.05.2008 )

Dark Prince vol. 2 ( yaoi warning ) - Hmm... Now the huge drama part with little bit ot hentai content. ^^' ( 8.05.2008 )

Inuaysha vol. 32 - ( 16.05.2008 )

Bizenghast vol. 4 - It was about time if you ask me when the Finnish publishing company got this out! >.<' Story jumped a bit from vol. 3 but the storyline sure gets interesting. O.O' ( 21.5.2008 )

Fushigi Yuuki vol. 15. - I donno what to say except I like.

Vagabond vol. 1 - Something new that I picked up because it looked interesting and it sure is interesting. I like the story and artwork and it is one of those serious manga styles which I also like. Artwork sorta reminds me from Bloodsucker though no vampires in Vagabond. Just two insane(?) refuge teenager psycho samurais. :3 Oh, lots of gore too so this manga is not for minors for sure. Though I assume that the minors especially will read it. ^^' Bwahaha! Best thing ever was to see seinen manga in sale on minor's part of the shell. x'D

Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 15 - Well... I dunno what you think but I think that the war part is well done but I got a bit sick of it. Yeah, flashbacks are always a bit boring for some odd reason. I love the extras more. x'D

Well.... I have been busy with interning and quite booked to have much time or interest to read anyway. ^^'



Originally posted 3.6.2008

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