lauantai 17. tammikuuta 2009

Ex Libris Ukuli - Review of Tulip Fever

Tittle: Tulip Fever
Author: Deborah Moggach
Mode: paperpack book, 2th print of finnish translation
Genre: I would put this one into romance & drama
Age rating: Don’t look at me... I can guess it might be OT rated...

Now I to note you that I don’t normally read this type of books that are introduced as ‘wild and erotic story full of imaginational turns’. I had this book as a freebie when I was ordering some manga, Hellsing, the volumes that I was missing from the collection. This book was one of the freebie issues to get to be added on the bargain. I thought whatta heck, at least my mom will read it... And if there wouldn’t be any volunteers I could always sell it way on second hand store. *cruel fate*

First I red the introduction from the back cover but I wasn’t sure about to open the book and read it. Front cover is about old painting about a girl who’s reading a letter, painted by Jan Vermeer (1632-1675). With that painting there’s the paper pack book serie logo on top, author’s name and the tittle of the book. It looks quite dull and wonder what had possessed to put that painting as a front cover. x’)

I assume that you have at least once in your lifetime heard the phrase never judge the book by it’s covers, yes? If I am not sure about the book I take a little peek inside and read few sentences to be sure either to throw the book off my hands like it’s poison or treat is as a pet, at the book store I would put the book gently back to the shelve and pick up something else until finding the one that I desire to bought and take with me. :)

I guess there was something on the lines that I red, enaugh to make be begin to read this book and no I am not regretting that I begin to read it because this wasn’t a bad one at all. Story was nice and the style gave me idea of how to solve my trouble with my Monster Hunter Co characters. ;) By splitting each’s mind into sepate chapters...  Dammit that’s smart thing to do.

About the characters in this story... I guess they vere made great and they were just normal humans with normal weaknesses and thoughts. I loved the part where one of the side characters but who was still important for the whole story was descripted and expecially his passion for his tulips. x’) Maybe it has something to do that this odd little owl likes yaio but dammit it was great part. And the scenery where Jan’s servant played the main vessile for the cruel fate...  I remember laughing tears in my eyes. Never saw that one coming... x’)

Only thing that left me cold and actually I wanted yell at the author about the end of the story how silly turn she had invented. If people really and truly love each other they might as well either commit suicide together or begin from the scrath. Quite odd behavior from a brave woman who has dared to cheat her husband, fakes that she’s pregnant, frames her own death and then just runs away from the man he loves... I don’t understand that woman. On that situation she would try instead of falling into usual religious excuses. A woman who’s relationship was not explained anywhere sooner suddently thinks that when things fall down it’s God’s punisment. Yeah, right... <.<’ Never saw that one coming... Her outro was like stereotypical class Ö-hollywood dress-up bull... Hmm... I wonder can I type here crap... <.<’ And if this was ever to be filmed at least the directors wouldn’t need to worry about ruining the end because from that part it’s already ruined as it can be. x’)

Though at least for somebody the the story ends happily. I am happy that eventually fate smiles for the servan girl called Maria and her  lover who should have gone straight away to Maria and deman her to explain things instead of covardly joining to the navy and then after year passed coming back.... <.<’

But like I spoiled before they’ll have the happy ending. :) And I think that so is with Sofia’s husband who dissappears abroad.... India I think when he goes there to seek his wife... Who never entered on that ship with her lover in the first place since one servant accidently ate precious onion that was quite far from the onion... x’D So the main characters in the story the painter Jan and Sofia will suffer... Which is kind of sad, though I don’t support adultery but still if other has been married other because she has have to makes me just question what’s the purpose of the marriage then if it’s some cruel bargain and spouse is claimed nothing else than property?

Remember the history classes, cookies. Aw.... heck the history classes. They tell about glorious battles and angient kings and glorious inventions that help the human kind and introduce you some quite stupid inventions that are used to make life very difficult just like guns... If they were just to protect the house and hunt for food but no... they are used for kill other human beings, to commit hideous crimes and overtake some areas that might provide some natural resources!!! x7 There might be few words about that in China the high society class girl’s feet were tied to prevent them from escaping...

Maybe some mention about slavery which is also one of the most stupid bullshit that some powerhungry idiots that call themselves as humans have invented... -Most likely because they needed somebody to do the dirty work but didn’t were willing to do that by themselves and raise their fat asses up from the nicely carved divans... x6 *spitting poison*

There might be something to mention about women’s liberations and stuff before that you will never find out unless you don’t have any curiosity to know about those things. Stuff like that I learned while gotten curious about clothing history. Yes, cookies, I am an idiot to willingly read about history and expecially about society and religion history if some interesting is brought to my reach. Until that woman’s liberation day women were pretty much counted as men’s property. Quite foolish and immature thinking don’t you think? Sovinists are those people who still believe in this bullcrap for some odd reason, maybe I’ll one day hear explanation for that crap... And some idiots are just being brainwashed by that one book.... Just because somebody has so calledly created from the rib doesn’t make it anymore less than the one born out.... What?... Let me see... was that a piece of clay, dust or what...

*silent moment*


Oooopsie....  Here we go again... Give me free hands and mind and get ready to duck out of my way. O.o’ I thought that I’ll give you my thoughts about a book I just read and before I  even notice it steams and cooks up as ranting and pointing out few unwillingly dicussed topics what are wrong in our society. x’) So one thing leads to another as they say and by reading Tulip Fever I wouldn’t have brought stuff like this out. ^^’

One other thing that I didn’t have time to mention anywhere sooner. Author has clearly seen some of the paintings of the time where she has gotten her inspiration from and it shows. That’s why she has chosen that painter Jan and that’s why there’s that painting selected for the cover even the fictious Jan and real-life Jan are different persons. There’s left the thought that maybe something like this might have happened. ;) One little detail to make the story interesting for who want’s to read it.

Getting inspirations from old paintings... Gotta get some credit for the author for that because that’s just something not everybody can do. ;)

So therefore I do warmly recomment this book to anyone who’s curious, likes a bit of romance, flowers, humor, scheming, artists, love and has very cruel sense of humor. Perfect to be read in the dark evenings when the wind whacks rain against the window. Wrap inside your sheets or blankes on a nice corner of the bed, sofa or cosy arm chair and began to read. :)

I don’t wish to grade anything to me things are either I like it, hate it or it’s all the same whatever that is. This is somewhere between I liked it and whatever. x’D Whatever comes from of Sofia’s suddently flatten role in the finale...

~ Uku ~ the book reading wiseass coffin owl

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