lauantai 31. tammikuuta 2009

Books - January 2009


  • Cressida Cowell - How to speak dragonese by Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III ( Finnish edition: Opi Lohikärmeskieltä - Hikotus Kauhistus Koljakala III ) - Third book of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III's adventures that if I don't remember wrong, I bought it from the online auction last year. I like the humor that the books have even many if the scenes sound a bit overdone. Humor and lovely dragons. x')  ( 03.01.2009 )


  • Derek Landy - Skulduggery Pleasant ( finnish translated it as Keplo Leutokalma ) - I had saved this book for a year and had a thought that now the back-cover text promises something way too good... It was way too good and I succeed driving my friends crazy when keeping telling them how good book it is. x'D There is a living skeleton as a main role. Really. x') Skeleton that magic keeps together. Skeleton who's original skull some trolls stole and he won new head in poker. x''D I thought I got your attention. x'''D He also portrayed to be very much alive like anyone who has healthy attitude on the life. He also seems to find some humor even when things get ugly. -Really ugly and now I don't mean yellow car he he drives when his Bentley is being repaired. x') Well... I guess the girl should be main hero and I guess she does good job too but it is clear that certain skeleton wizard has gotten my attention. Don't get wrong. The girl and skeleton make really great team and just add there some lovely scythe carrying guard and one seriously evil warlock, conspiracy and magic.... I want another dose of this soup, please. Anyone who's not afraid of death, skeletons or warlocks should read this book. Also people who want to read really amusing, funny adventure with magic and adventure and quests. Pay some time to consider of reading this. Last time I red something this good was Gaiman's The Graveyard book. ( 06.01.2009 )


  • Justin Somper - Vampirates : Demons of the Ocean - Interesting stuff to read... ( 12.01.2009 )


  • Raili Mikkanen - Histamiinin hiihtoretki - Cute story about a toy horse on skees. :3 ( 27.1.2009 )



  • Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 19 ( 02.01.2008 )
  • Inuyasha vol. 40 ( 13.01.2009 )
  • Death Note vol. 8 ( 29.1.2009 )
  • Pet Shop of Horrors vol. 4 ( 29.1.2009 )


  • Mai-Chan's Daily life - That sort of hentai stuff that no thank you. Went to quite a bit way too sick for my taste. @.@'

Scanned, translated chapters:

  • Chapter 91 of Fullmetal and chapter 40, 41, 42 and 43 of Trinity Blood. Ah the goodies. :3 Cannot wait to get the hard copies.


lauantai 17. tammikuuta 2009

Booklists moved...


Hi, cookies... Just happy to inform that I have successfully moved booklists, some reviews and such that I typed between 2007 and 2008...



Books - December - 2008


  • Ellen Datlow - Blood is not enough - vampire anthology - Interesting collection of various short stories related with vampires of all sorts, not only the blood sucking ones. x') My personal favorite was short story of real vampire ending in kindergarten.... To feed on the children but the children on that very kindergarten drained the vampire out of his life strength. x'D There was also Jewish vampire on Nazi death camp and that was interesting scenario to see... Usually the vampires are the blame and they hardly treated that way. I wonder why because that would give new ways to study and see the one of the most classy monsters. Also the first story of the collection was interesting, about vampires on the day club of some sort bringing their human bottles in to be drink along with the company, alike was the short story that was bind together with Alice in wonderland...  I was glad to get a bit of information about this from Datlow's second vampire anthology and that I did find this from the auction and bought it. It's old book but it is definetelly worth of checking out.


  • Kenneth Grahame - Dream Days - I got this book because for that dragon story included. I did finally finished reading the whole book though and it was ok. ( 26.12.2008 )


  • Raili Mikkanen - Histamiini hukassa ( Histamiini is lost ) - Old child book that I found when cleaning up the bigger bookshelf. :3 I red it just for fun thought it didn't bring back no memories at all. ^^' I don't even know the TV show where the book probably got adapted from either. :( Though after having chat with the beast I did seek and tried to buy two other books of the same series. It is about marionette horse called Histamiini. And appeared to bring in good story for every age. ( 26.12.2008 )


  • Neil Gaiman - The Graveyard book - It was unexpected and huge surprise gift from my godmother and I very grateful for the book. I began reading it almost right after Christmas eve... What I can say.. It's lovely, awesome... I liked it. every page, the story. * gasp * I must say that it is the perfect story to read. Film directors, please, don't mess this story up if you plan to film this, please. * puppy owl eyes *  ( 31. 12. 2008 )



  • Devil's Bride vol 1 - Ok, it is yaoi and a bit of shota and hentai yaoi... Yep, yep, someone likes it. x'D ( 01.12.2008)
  • Death Note vol. 6 ( 02.12.2008 )
  • Inuyasha 39 ( 12.12.2008 )


Sorry, nothing full this time. I had no time. -Or patience to sit down and look something... Maybe I start reading Yami no Matsuei and Finder series in next year...



Originally posted 31.12.2008

Books - November 2008


  • I am Legend - Richard Matheson - Definetelly separates from the movie.. Oo' It is like movie has gotten inspiration and basic idea and character name from this novel and that is about it. In the book Robert Neville is somewhat serious alcoholic who seems to drink whenever he wants to and that gets a bit annoying but I guess that is just the way only simple man could see the situation. Drinking and women seem to be his prime problems until he finally gets over his lust after women. He does dins out the bacteria causing the vampirism in that world, but the cure... nothing that would cure the people turned into vampires. And vampires, they are close the mythical real things than those hairless, greyish howling berserk freaks from the cloning laboratory seen in the movie version..  Though I had a mental image of the howling mindless pale freaks mixed with shark genes on them seen in 30 days after. Oo' ( no the vampires of that movie weren't really mixed with shark genes, I just say that because they appearances just game me that kind of impression... ) I was also a bit amazed that how a person like Neville could have survived so long, it took him five months to realize what effect sunlight has on the vampires. Oo' And in the end... Well... In the movie there wasn't that new type of vampires who hadn't end up all the way sick. And did he die in the end in the book like he did in the movie? Yes he did but on suicide pill... In all together story was interesting, minus drinking ( too much of it and it was like in almost on every page. oO'  ) and it did offer scientific theory for vampires. And some of the vampires were physically alive. Oo' Now, that was new. I can't say I liked the book, but I don't hate it either or want to get rid of it. It made me laugh in few times... Most of the time it was: wtf, he's drinking AGAIN?! x''D ( 13.11.2008 )

  • Robert A. Heinlein - Podkayne of Mars - Excuse me what I was reading but this was boring teenager drama about rather narrow minded teen slut in sci-fi format. I red this because I thought it could be better, sad it was worse than I could ever imagine. Oo' I didnät like the noisy, slutty main character, more rather I sorta liked her little brother who was just spoiled selffish and greed little bastard. Story is getting interesting after 185 ( which is nearly at the end of the book ) Before that it is all dull gossip and mafia alike blackmailing and teen ranting about the family cannot go to Earth *boohoo and add fake tears here. ) So after the family's grandfather who happens to be senator uses his power and so he takes the brats in the space trip on high class star ship and one of the best there is in fact. And then it is gossip, description of the spaceship and the cruise of the rich grannies. Teen drama and teen babbling... Gah, we get that brainless stuff enough nowadays but then did the Author really need to write a crap like this? I guess the only reason why I picked this one up was that it had been renamed as 'Battle in Venus' in Finland rather than let it kep it's original name and try to translate that. Generally about the characters I think that they were rather shallow and plain, spoiled greedy brats, evil genius little brother...Good example of how to ruin average story by leaving all the action in the end, selecting characters from the top class or put them in top class and give them nasty properties that everyone dislikes but the mother ignores... The best way to ruin story is to bring along these Mary-Sues and write it from I point of view. x'''D If you haven't yet noticed; I didn't like this book at all. There above are the reasons why I didn't like it. It had very little the sparkling moments that were actually funny but those were one sentence miracles. I would recommend this book for people who want drama without adventure and not much of the violence.... Thought there is few cruel murders made by Podkayne's little brother in the end of the book but people can easily skip the afterword part if they don't wish to know what happened when when the story ended in the air. Note to self: Try to get rid of this book. * snorts* One thing that made me to giggle was that the author had been labeled as the master of science fiction. In what planet? Really I just wish that other books of this author aren't as boring and stupid as this one was. So if you want action or anything more livable story go to read something else. Anything else. ( 22.11.2008 )

  • Frederico Andahazi - Anatomi ( El Anatomista ) - Fictious this it might have been the story in 1500 with inquisition institutes, witch trials, pyres and anatomy lessons when doctors were taking the fragile steps to understand the mysteries of the body. It seemed to be the time of wicked wild theories of how the body works and why it works and it was time when Sun and everything else were going around Earth and people seemed to figure out that the world was round. But indeed it is very bad timing for anatomi to discover woman's penis... ( read clitoris ) There is also bordellos included with kurtisans of course, pedofilia included and some biting of some male members... Some human experiments and how innocent little child were murdered to feed the pope with their blood for him to recover... He also get breastfeeding... And for sure not a book for Catholics to read, but for people who want good story and little quantium leap to the past. Indeed this book was very interesting, I had kept in on the shell for a time, I dunno why, maybe because of the name or something like that but I was positively surprised by how good book this one was with livable characters and all. Another book sort of this was that Tulip Fever, but that was fictious, no? This had a lot more reality base behind. What I should think about? Be offended? I wonder why is that, I found the this book interesting and that's that. Of course it had erotic mixed in but that I guess was nesessary evil, pedofiles... In time when girls were tend to marry old creepy perverts in much younger than being 16. That was that day and if something to be glad at the modern day; that is not same today anymore, though it might be in some countries...  ( 23.11.2008 ) Yes, it was fast to read and I did read all day long from morning to the evening.


  • Blame vol. 6 ( 04.11.2008 )
  • Blame vol. 7 ( 04.11.2008 )
  • Blame vol. 8 ( 04.11.2008 )
  • Blame vol. 9 ( 04.11.2008 )
  • Blame vol. 10 ( 07.11.2008 )
  • Vampire Hunter D  vol. 2 - Oh my.... Follows very well the plot of Raiser of Gales... D... * glomps D at that instant * ( 10.11.2008 )
  • Death Note vol. 5 ( 18.11.2008 )
  • Priest vol. 3 ( 18.11.2008 )
  • Bizenghast 5 ( 18.11.2008 )
  • Pet shop of Horrors vol. 3 ( 18.11.2008 )
  • Model vol.3 ( 19.11.2008 )
  • Fullmetal Alchemist ( 21.11.2008 )
  • Trinty Blood vol. 8. ( 28.11.2008 )

Online manga + scanlations etc:

  • Battle Royale volumes 9-15  - wow, I can't believe that I have actually read the whole serie by now. Oo' In all together the manga was a bit better from the movie, the movie had squished the story and with manga it spread to introduce the students's past... Only thing that bothered how effective inhuman predator Kiriyama had been made. There were moments when I was wow; that guy is not even a human?! Oo' Damnit, he was more like a vampire or dhampir  when he kept jumping and hasting trough the woods. oO' Though his a bit supernatural skills and precence didn't bother as nearly as much as his death that lasted 9 chapters. Oo' But still he was my fav. character in that manga. :3 Why the heck they make bad characters so damn hot? oO' Not to mention that he looked like D from Vampire Hunter D. Oo' ( without tight long wavy hair, pendant, leather suit, hat, sword, fangs and talking hand etc... ) Another cutie was Sugimura and it was sad to see him die. :(  I did find sequel but that as far as I red might had good plot but the graphic was... well... too plain for my eyes.
    Note to self: Definitely a serie worth of getting into bookshelf. Yep, decided what I am going to invest my money on next year... ^^' And forget BR II....
  • Pink Sniper - hentai manga yes but funny one and not actually drawn with sadistic matter as they usually are, but with blink and devil's horns with sort of naughty way. But don't get the wrong idea, it is still HC stuff. ^^'




Books - October 2008


  • Trinity Blood volme 5 of Finnish edition ( 10.10.2008 ) - Last TB in Finnish for this owl. *grrrr!*
  • Inuasha vol 36 ( 11.10.2008 )
  • Petshop of Horrors vol. 2 ( 11.10.2008 )
  • Vagabond vol. 3
  • The Tarot Café vol. 6 - You don't know how long I have been waiting for this volume!!! Hopefully they'll publish 7th sooner than delay it for 5 months. >..<' ( Finnish edition... )

Online manga + scanlations etc:

  • Battle Royale volumes 1-8 - Omg! I thought that BR was rather brutal and twisted as a movie but Manga... much much twisted, brutal, wider combination. For some odd reason I like this manga a lot and this is on my wishlist of manga I want to get. I don't know why but I found this one very addictive.


Looks very poor this month, cookies and I haven't much done nothing so I should have plenty of time to read something trough but... Oo' There you see how bad investment some strategy PC game can be. x')



Original posting: 6.11.2008

Books - September 2008


  • Ilkeiden ajatusten sanakirja ( Dictionarry of evil thoughts ) - Quotes. :3
  • Patick Süskind - Perfume - Also known as a tale of a murderer... The one where they made the film called Perfume. I found this book accidentally from the recycling store and bought it months ago and began reading it last month. I don't regret that I have red it because it was interesting. Not from the murder part, there is surprisingly less focused around that but more to tell about what does the Grenouille, the main character, the murderer's point of view even there is some other faiths being told as well... What makes the story interesting is the main characters unique ability to smell everyone and and anything. How he becomes perfume maker and what perfumes he can create including his last performance for he kills the 25 maidens and steals their scent to make his perfume. And the end... I didn't never see that happening... I really thought when he walked out of the picture, it would be the end of the story and then some typical conclusion but the story continues to the very last... And the ending... I haven't never seen such ending before in any other book I have red. Oo' Fully unpredictable!   9.2008)

Manga department:

  • Fushigi Yuuki 18 - The finale of the serie.. yes, it was very much over what I had hoped. :3 ( 1.9.2008)
  • Trinity blood vol 4 - Finnish edition. Let's say that the translators had made Brother Petros off character.... =..= ( 1.9.2008)
  • Death Note vol. 3 - Kukuku..... (2.9.2008)
  • Inuyasha vol. 35 ( 2.9.2008 )
  • Pet shop of horrors vol. 1 - Whoa! I want more of this! ( 3.9.2008 )
  • King of Hell vol 7( 3.9.2008 )
  • Tirnity blood vol. 6 - to note, it was enaugh for me for just stare the covers and author's note pic for over a week before reading it... Hugue on cover, Hugue on very low hip pants and with guitar on the author's notes pic... oh, and the story.... ^^'
  • Trinity blood vol. 7 ( not sure.9.2008)
  • Priest vol. 2 ( 16.9.2008 )
  • Model vol. 2 ( 16.9.2008 )
  • Demon diary vol. 1 - To refresh my memory I began to read it again and my English understanding has improved since I last time red it... ( 27.9.2008)
  • Demon diary vol 2 - ( 27.9.2008 ) 
  • Demon diary vol 3 - ( 27.9.2008 ) 
  • Demon diary vol 4 - ( 27.9.2008 ) 
  • Demon diary vol 5 - ( 27.9.2008 )
  • Demon diary vol.6 - ( 29.9.2008 )
  • Demon diary vol.7 - ( 30.9.2008 )
  • Death Note vol. 4 -  ( 30.9.2008 )


Online mangas aka scanlations:

  • Boys next door - yes to yaoi. Though it had to be the most and twisted odd yaoi story ever. O.o'
  • Hellgirl Emma - Sometimes curiosity is good thing. You know I went to look scanltions of that maid Emma... and found it but also found this one and red the first chapter and... Well... More of this macabre avenger from hell stuff please. :) I assume it is yet newest new that isn't being sold here. >.<'
  • Hellsing:Dawn - Kouta Hirano - 6 translated chapters. You bet I wait for this one to appear on bookstores here. what happened before Integra's time on charge of Hellsing organation. Meet Girlycard and his coffin with legs... x'D



Original postin 6.11.2008

Books - August - 2008

  • Trinity Blood - Rage Against The Moons ( RAM ) - Vol.1 From The Empire - Sunao Yoshida - *fangirl's squeek* I had my expectations about this novel and I was a bit afraid to even begin reading this... But finally I did and... And... It turned out to be even more better than I had assumed. O.O' I really mean the whole book is WHOA! type of reading.... * yep, yep, trinity blood fan reading it... * But still even I wouldn't have seen the anime or manga but accidentally gotten my hands on this book, I would have fall into it for sure. Well... finding the manga first before anime... and so and so...
    For people who don't know what's Trinity Blood is about. It is sci-fi storyline consisting far future world after Armageddon, where alien race, Methuselah, who's pretty much like vampires and often referred and called as vampires. The Methuselah and humans are fighting against each others to find their place in the more or less broken world. ( at least that's how I figured it out )Vatican is holding the ultimate power of the human side and for Methuselah side it is The New Human Empire. Story sets Vatican's section AX into hero role ( don't worry, there will be Methuselah heroes coming up too. It isn't at all propaganda book. No, no, no off that though! Mush!  )
    No, the settlings surely aren't as boring they might sound or as predictable. No, no, not at all.. In this world anything can happen and I really mean anything! The interesting and rather slightly odd characters will keep the story very much together.
    Yep, Abel, that means you. x'D
    Neither were the stories dull. The action and twist of humor did make very well balanced story.
    Ok, ok, I did drool after Thores Shibamoto's artwork. :3 * mmmm.... Hugue...... *
    In case you also liked the book it might leave you graving for more. Luckily there is more... Rage Against the Moons has 6 volumes and it will continue in Reborn on Mars which also has 6 volumes. And little warning when you watch Trinity Blood anime, the anime has taken episodes from both of the series so it will offer quite a bouncy journey.
    So people who have watched the anime and then find this book, the book series will offer lot of surprises. Just like manga might offer since the manga focuses fully on Reborn on Mars storyline. ;) ( 19.08.2008 )


  • Carmilla - J.Sheridan LeFanu - One of those old old old vampire stories there is. Carmilla is from 1872, thought it was first published in parts 1871... That is for you to realize how old the story is... And yes, if was written before Stoker's Dracula. Carmilla is told by young girl who ends up Carmilla's vicitim. Only thing that bothered me was the fancy English used to write it... =.=' And the fact that main character and her father are pretty dumb gooses... It takes about three chapters for them to realize that Millarca and Carmilla ( Don't you just love vampires using anagrams of their names. x'''D ) are one and the same person and entire novel for main character to realize that she has been very close to death. x'''D ( 23.08.2008 )

Manga department:

  • Inuyasha 34
  • King of Hell  vol. 10
  • Hellsing vol. 1 ( re-reading ;) )
  • Fullmetal Alchemist 17


Ok, this month looks poor with books and manga.... I had no urgent to go to shopping so no new manga except what came via mail. =..='

Mainly I did spent this mont... hmmm... Not sure drawing and writing and hanging online in instant messenger. x'D Really, I did type like mad owl with two fan fic challenges, tries to clean up the cowbarn... yes, no much time to read. :(


Orignal post: 31.8.2008

Books - July 2008

  • Ghost stories - collection of short horror stories from various authors. There are ghosts, vampires, monsters... But the most annoying was that there was short scenes taken from the classic long novels to some sort of teasers. BIG MINUS! well.. thanks this damn book Uku now has full versions of LeFanu's Carmilla, Wilde's Portrait of Dorian Grey... Stoker's Dracula and Shelley's Frankenstein and Miller's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde I already had. x'D  And another BIG MINUS comes from that the book could have been bigger and contain a liiiitle bit more short horror stories...


  • Glen Duncan - I, Lucifer - I highly recommend everyone who is looking for fun and good story to read this trough... even the main character is Lucifer himself, Satan etc... No, you don't need to be satan worshipper to read this, I highly doubt that they are even reading anything but I might be wrong too...


Manga department

  • Model - Luckily you didn't see or hear Uku's Meep! cry in the store when spotting this. x')
  • King of Hell 8
  • King of Hell 9
  • Death Note vol. 2
  • Fushigi Yuuki vol. 17

Online manga + scanlations

  • Goth 1 - so what if it's scanlation, I am definitely going to buy this one too in some point and I am waiting for more of this wicked stuff. :3 This manga is wicked, bloody, twisted... !!! x') Very, very detailed and well done horror story indeed.



Originally posted: 2.8.2008

Books - June 2008

Merlin Conspiricy - Diane Wynne Jones - I had my suspicious when I red the back cover text but lend this book anyway and began reading. It had very hilarious scenes. ( 08.06.2008 )

Beyond The Spiderwick Chronicles 1: Nixie's song - Tony DiTerlizzi & Holly Black - ( 10.06.2008 ) - Accidentally spot this on library car, lend it and on Tuesday read it within couple of hours. ^^' I didn't expect to see that good story at is was, I think I am somewhat suspicious if something is sequel to something. At least that doesn't seem to work with movies... But this one did work and it what was surprising was that the authors had written themselves in the book too. O.O' And it still kept referring to the characters met in the original Spiderwick Chronicles. :3

Nice to see that the authors had left the original gang quite alone and brought some of them back as side characters, leaving lot of room for new main characters. And big plus of all was to add nixie in one of the main roles too. :3

Manga department:

Rumiko - Inuyasha 33 ( 12.06.2008 )

Fushigi Yuuki 16 ( 17.06.2008 )

Death Note vol. 1 ( 24.06.2008 ) FINALLY IN FINNISH! :3

Vagabond vol 2. - Wooohooo! More interesting characters. :3 ( 27.06.2008 )

Priest vol. 1 - O.O' In Finnish?! *faints* ( 29.06.2008 )

Summasumarum.... Let's see... Again I have red more manga than books...





Books - May 2008

Stephen King - Cell - What I can say is... wow. I really liked this book. *glaring at her plastix devil suspiciously* Story goes like this; cellphones turn people into something like raging maniacs but that is only the beginning. Situation developes worse from there. Characters are created interesting matter. Storyline is well spinned straight to the end except.... one little thing bothered me there... What happens next?! Did Clay get his son's mind back or not. Did he meet his friends at all. C'mon there's sequal for that for sure! x'D

I like to claim that the translator has put best on this to make it readable. :3 ( 8.5.2008 )

Ahmet Zappa - The Monstrous Memoirs of a mighty McFearless - Firs thing I would want to do would be to find the person who translated this book to Finnish and spank him or give the prize of most stupid translation ever made. =.=' Translator has succeed to ruin the whole book. Story might be ok, but some words that the bozo who translated it are wrong and shouldn't never even used unless person isn't talking that way and using those words. >.<' Translator has used slang and sorta childish word trough entire story from monsters in it, making them sound cute and huggable while they will crush your bones and eat you and stitch clothes off your skin... (04.05.2008 )

Robin Cook - Toxic - Story about what happened when sick cow is being sold to butchers where it comes out as a part of hamburger steaks... A girl eats hamburger, gets serious food poisoning and dies when nobody does much nothing to it when everybody are thinking about the profits. The Hospital and the people who are responsible of that. Actually the meat company is ready to kill the girl's father and everyone who help him to get the evidences. ( 24.05.2008 ) Remind me not to eat meat at USA if I ever visit there. O.O'

Manga department:

Mark of Succubus vol. 2 ( finnish edition ) - I have been waiting this for so long time that I almost walked pass it at the grossary store when it finally was there! x'D ( I really need to rant that publisher company later... =.=' ) Let's say that the storyline jumped again into whole new interesting levels. :3 ( 02.05.2008 )

Dark Prince vol. 2 ( yaoi warning ) - Hmm... Now the huge drama part with little bit ot hentai content. ^^' ( 8.05.2008 )

Inuaysha vol. 32 - ( 16.05.2008 )

Bizenghast vol. 4 - It was about time if you ask me when the Finnish publishing company got this out! >.<' Story jumped a bit from vol. 3 but the storyline sure gets interesting. O.O' ( 21.5.2008 )

Fushigi Yuuki vol. 15. - I donno what to say except I like.

Vagabond vol. 1 - Something new that I picked up because it looked interesting and it sure is interesting. I like the story and artwork and it is one of those serious manga styles which I also like. Artwork sorta reminds me from Bloodsucker though no vampires in Vagabond. Just two insane(?) refuge teenager psycho samurais. :3 Oh, lots of gore too so this manga is not for minors for sure. Though I assume that the minors especially will read it. ^^' Bwahaha! Best thing ever was to see seinen manga in sale on minor's part of the shell. x'D

Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 15 - Well... I dunno what you think but I think that the war part is well done but I got a bit sick of it. Yeah, flashbacks are always a bit boring for some odd reason. I love the extras more. x'D

Well.... I have been busy with interning and quite booked to have much time or interest to read anyway. ^^'



Originally posted 3.6.2008

Books 2008 - April

Aka what Uku has red during this month. x'D

  • Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman - Rose of the Prophet volume one: the will of the wanderer - Finally finished reading this and I have to say that I have been enjoying reading this. It has been hilarious and sad and all that good story needs. I am waiting to get my eyes on the volume two. I want to know what will happen next! ( fin. reading - 1.4.2008 )
  • Robin Cook - Mutation - Drama- horror story... Let's say after reading this, I don't much feel like I would want to have kids or let scientist to plan upgrading humans... Not if the result is bastard like Junior in this story. So, the story was ok and it was interesting. ( 29.4.2008 )


  • Ranma 1/2 vol. 18 ( 3.4.2008 )
  • Ranma1/2 vol. 19 ( 4.4.2008 )
  • Ranma1/2 vol. 20 ( 4.4.2008 )
  • Ranma1/2 vol. 21 ( 4.4.2008 )
  • Ranma1/2 vol. 22 ( 4.4.2008 )
  • Ranma1/2 vol. 23 ( 5.4.2008 )
  • Ranma1/2 vol. 24 ( 5.4.2008 )
  • Rabma1/2 vol. 25 ( 5.4.2008 )
  • Ranma1/2 vol. 26 ( 5.4.2008 )
  • Ranma1/2 vol. 27 ( 5.4.2008 )
  • Ranma1/2 vol. 28 ( 5.4.2008 )
  • Ranma1/2 vol. 29 ( 6.4.2008 )
  • Ranma1/2 vol. 30 ( 6.4.2008 )
  • Ranma1/2 vol. 31 ( 6.4.2008 )
  • Ranma1/2 vol. 32 ( 7.4.2008 )
  • Ranma1/2 vol. 33 ( 8.4.2008 )
  • Grimm's manga - Fairytales by Brothers Grimm in manga form and with a different versions. Yes, definetelly worth of reading and add to my collection. ( 9.4.2008 )
  • Ranma 1/2 vol. 34 ( 10.4.2008 )
  • Ranma 1/2 vol. 35 ( 11.4.2008 )
  • Ranma 1/2 vol. 36 ( 11.4.2008 )
  • Ranma 1/2 vol. 37 ( 12.4.2008 )
  • Ranma 1/2 vol. 38 ( 12.4.2008 ) - And the serie is finished fully whole. I loved and enjoyed the comedy and surprise element of this world. You never knew what hit you or what you were going to meet next and even I have red almost all of them couple of times before they still made me laugh. x'D The best story ever is chapter where Ryoga Hibiki is going on date with his girlfriend Akari... A guy who get's lost even in a room... And yes, there is some shounen-ai scenes, odd sudden gender bendings, morhin and nothing is what they seem... x'D One insanely build up enjoyable manga I have been reading.
  • Zombiepowder vol. 4 - Okuse Tite - I have read it as scanlation before but liked it so much worth it and bought them too. I can't believe that there is no more Zombiepowder!!! Dammit, this serie has pretty much all the material and plotline to be one kick ass manga serie and it has been ended to this short?!!! Some personal traumas of the author... Odd... drawing should be the best cure to bad feelings that I know... ( but I am odd... ) GET BACK TO WORK MR. TITE!!!! *growl*
  • Inuyasha 31
  • Fushigi Yuuki 14

Yep, I do read manga quite fast and with passion. x') Especially when I have entire serie and wish to have marathon. ^^*

List finished at 30th day of April 2008.


Originally posted at: 30.4.2008

Books 2008 - March

March opened all the sudden...

  • Marja-Leena Lempinen - Mustan suden aika ( Time of the Black Wolf ) - First of all I would love to say a message for the author of this book ( though she won't be reading it ) NEVER MIX REALITY RELIGIONS INTO FICTIOUS STORY OF FANTASY LAND!!!! I had enough to stand with everyday names that some of the sounded unrealistic to that time. ^^' Yep, another error spot in the story. first point was to mix the modern day Christian way of believe in middle aged world that doesn't exist. ( the land ) The religion has been different and a bit more brutal on that time and witchcraft and other shit that the church invented and hunted and exterminated would have been there. So the place is totally wrong place for religion stuff to excist. Obviously the writer's imagination has been limited when inventing at least a bit interesting story otherwise or not thinking all the possibilities trough first. This kind of evil reader I am... If I spot something unrealistic that doesn't fit to the great picture it is as good as ruined. Yet there are probably id... intellectual people who like the story and not give a damn to that there might be some unrealistic holes in the story. Anyway people might find the rest of the story amusing and good. And that what it is, a bit philosophic but there won't be happy ending for the main characters. It is not a plus or minus thing but somehow I think that it could have been told a bit better.
  • Viivi Hyvönen - Mahlaa suonissaan ( Sap in veins ) - I have been though that this book might be very boring for years and that's why I haven't lend it any sooner, but for my surprise it wasn't boring at all. And it is polar opposite to the book I red earlier. Some rare Finnish people can write really good fantasy. Only unlogically discovered was the fate of one fire sprite, otherwise the story and characters were well written and writer really has know what she has been doing when writing and not written it with symbols of euros in her eyes either. In this book there's first of all lot of halfbreeds, mythical forest people, anything you name it and even moving forest. And the final battle between Witch and Wizard. There's also one dragon appearing. Pointless to say but I really enjoyed with reading this book and I didn't see the end coming as it did which was surprising and sad. I recommend it warmly for anyone who wants to know what real fantasy is all about and how that world of magic and swords really works.
  • Markus Sedgwick - Black horse - At first I would like to say that size of this book should fit for anyone. I read these tiny books as snack. x') Read in one or two days. -This one I spend all together about 5 hours... ^^' So that is what I meant by 'snack book'... Story is jumps back and forth in past and presence until both the main hero of the book and general storyline get to the same point. That story telling type is a bit odd but it is not troublesome at least. Story itself is surprising. I never had that one coming. O.o Mainly it is about a girl who has been raised by wolfes far away her tribe who are then looking at her while wiping out every village they come across until they find her again and she gets her memory back and wants to slave the people who found her from wolves and who she grow up with. She has telepathic abilities. The handover of survivors saved the captured ones and they wiped out her real people. She escaped to the woods and lived there happily surrounded by wolves. it was good story I must say but did leave me on the middle of like-dislike line. ^^'
  • Diane Duane - So you want to be a wizard - Is one of those rare books that have kept their original name in translation. One other thing about name that something made me avoid the book too. Original version has been put out 1983! Long before Potter made it and yet they translated this 2003.... O.O'
    I had assumed the book being translated very boring or at least containing nothing new... =.O'
    So happy to be wrong. :3
    Story kicks in from the first page as it seems to do with real books, you know, those rare kinds which are written well and not even translator has messed them up, so the reader just dives in and probably likes the world descripted inside the lines. This story opens a bit like Coelho's Alchemist in some ways but without the massive philosophy.
  • Diane Duane - Deep Wizardly - Sequel to the So, you want to be a wizard book and this second part not only kicks ass, it also brings tears in eyes in close to end. What I can say, I did like and enjoy what I red. Best part ever is how well the author has told the realization of quite young heroes to take responsibility huge to their own shoes and how it feels to be preparing to die and sacrificing own life so others would survive.
    Other amazing part was how the story went under water,there are whales, there are sharks...
    And message to look after the world, our planet where we do live.
    I wonder how many pics these kind of stuff out of the story? <.<' Because looks like some sort of tiny moral lectures has been hidden in this book... There is very less entertainment between these cover, or if there is, reader isn't thinking sanely.
  • Diane Duane - High Wizardy - Sequal to Deep Wizardy and it was as good as the two others.


Inuyasha 30, Ranma 1/2 volumes 1-17, Trinity blood vol. 5 ( english ), Winter Demon vol. 3, Fushigi Yuuki 12 & 13, Tarot Café vol. 5, Trinity Blood vol. 2 ( finnish edition ) :3


Manga = 21 volumes

Books = 6

Couldn't read:

Wolfgang and Heike Hohlbein - Underland, 1 & 2 - BORING!


Originally posted. 1.4.2008



Books 2008 - February

Ha, and you thought that January was the last time you heard from this little list. x'D

  • Philip Pullman - Count Karlstein - It started like a ghost story, then it was a bit of drama of evil relatives and then there was ghost alike hunter demon who didn't seem to be so rotten evil after all and then it ended to amazingly well. Yes, very well written story where all of the characters were interesting. :3 Would definitely go under horror - humor - adventure category.
  • Roald Dahl - Charlie and The Chocolate Factory - I have seen Burton's movie couple of times and been wondering would I read the book or not, this time when visiting at the library car, I finally made a decision and lend it and read it. I liked the book and noticed how much justice Burton had made to the book and I must amid that few Burton's visions were actually better than situations in the book but them both were great. :3
  • Roald Dahl - Charlie and the great glass elevator - sequal to the chocolate factory book. What bothered me the most was how oddly some of the names had been translated than they were at the chocolate factory. I didn't like Quentin Blake's sketching style at all. Otherwise the story was quite good one, though there was more playing with words and there was with scenes. <.<'
  • Patricia C.Wrede - Searching for dragons - Actually should be titled as searching for dragon if you ask me... <.<' It was nice, not surely the best fantasy books or series, now when I have read them all in very odd line 1, 3, 4 and 2 as the last.
  • Carl Hiaasen - HOOT - Most likely for people younger than me but I got curious about this book, so I lend it and read it. It has tiny owls in it and alongside good story about saving them. :3 I did like the writer's style and idea.

Summa sumarum.... I have red just 6 books. ^^'

But heck, I'm not trying to break any records here anyway. Shows how damn busy I have been.


*thinks over*

Way too lazy and doing from 8 to 4 pm days. ^^' And being pretty much exhausted when finally getting home. =.=' Well.... I did read 10 manga books during this month. x'D

Originally posted. 5.3.2008


Books 2008 - January

Hello there cookies, I assume that I better began to keep up a list of books that I have read this year... A bit different rules than last year, this time the books that I have read from beginning to the end and categorie them on what month I finished reading them. :3 Very simple, nee?

  • Stephen King - Salem's lot : A book that became an obsession after seeing part of mini serie basing on this book. I found one from my fav. auction place with reasonable price, bought it and I had planned to save it for later but you know... I took and red it and liked it a lot though it could have been a bit longer... Finnish translators had renamed the book as Painajainen ( 'The Nightmare' btw ), if some Finns read this. It is vampire story, reminding me about Hideuki Kikuchi's Vampire Hunter D vampire style by the way what happens when vampire moves nearby. ;)
  • Neil Gaiman - Absolute Sandman volumes 1 & 2 : Two gigantic bricks of comic books and yes, I have red them both. One of the rare(?) comic series that I like and it was very positive surprise to see something this different. I mean Sandman is different from usual comic books. I like the story and The Endless. How the story doesn't rise the main character to the god position.
  • Patricia C.Wrede - Calling of dragons : I accidentally notice this and that other book, but not the second one of the serie though, lend them and began reading. Let's say that idea of blue donkey with wings is original. x'D This book however convinced me not to even think about trying to get this into my collections. <.<' Though here these seem to be found only at the library anyway. ^^'
  • Patricia C.Wrede - Talking to Dragons : It was differently told about than the others and I liked it on it's odd way... Good thing though that there are only four of these books, right?
  • Leena Virtanen - Varastettu isoäiti ( Stolen grandma ) : Collection of the very basic and most common urban legends. Actually in a sort of way this book was actually quite much alike with Help, the liver is crawling of the same author.. >.<' DISSAPOINTMENT!
  • Naurava Kummitus ( Laughing ghost ) : collection of Scandinavian ghost stories. Stories from Island, Greenland, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Same people. :3 Very likable book with variable stories. Easy to like.

Summa sumarum: 6 books in all together

Language: All books were in Finnish

Originally posted. 4.2.2008


Ex Libris Ukuli - Review of Tulip Fever

Tittle: Tulip Fever
Author: Deborah Moggach
Mode: paperpack book, 2th print of finnish translation
Genre: I would put this one into romance & drama
Age rating: Don’t look at me... I can guess it might be OT rated...

Now I to note you that I don’t normally read this type of books that are introduced as ‘wild and erotic story full of imaginational turns’. I had this book as a freebie when I was ordering some manga, Hellsing, the volumes that I was missing from the collection. This book was one of the freebie issues to get to be added on the bargain. I thought whatta heck, at least my mom will read it... And if there wouldn’t be any volunteers I could always sell it way on second hand store. *cruel fate*

First I red the introduction from the back cover but I wasn’t sure about to open the book and read it. Front cover is about old painting about a girl who’s reading a letter, painted by Jan Vermeer (1632-1675). With that painting there’s the paper pack book serie logo on top, author’s name and the tittle of the book. It looks quite dull and wonder what had possessed to put that painting as a front cover. x’)

I assume that you have at least once in your lifetime heard the phrase never judge the book by it’s covers, yes? If I am not sure about the book I take a little peek inside and read few sentences to be sure either to throw the book off my hands like it’s poison or treat is as a pet, at the book store I would put the book gently back to the shelve and pick up something else until finding the one that I desire to bought and take with me. :)

I guess there was something on the lines that I red, enaugh to make be begin to read this book and no I am not regretting that I begin to read it because this wasn’t a bad one at all. Story was nice and the style gave me idea of how to solve my trouble with my Monster Hunter Co characters. ;) By splitting each’s mind into sepate chapters...  Dammit that’s smart thing to do.

About the characters in this story... I guess they vere made great and they were just normal humans with normal weaknesses and thoughts. I loved the part where one of the side characters but who was still important for the whole story was descripted and expecially his passion for his tulips. x’) Maybe it has something to do that this odd little owl likes yaio but dammit it was great part. And the scenery where Jan’s servant played the main vessile for the cruel fate...  I remember laughing tears in my eyes. Never saw that one coming... x’)

Only thing that left me cold and actually I wanted yell at the author about the end of the story how silly turn she had invented. If people really and truly love each other they might as well either commit suicide together or begin from the scrath. Quite odd behavior from a brave woman who has dared to cheat her husband, fakes that she’s pregnant, frames her own death and then just runs away from the man he loves... I don’t understand that woman. On that situation she would try instead of falling into usual religious excuses. A woman who’s relationship was not explained anywhere sooner suddently thinks that when things fall down it’s God’s punisment. Yeah, right... <.<’ Never saw that one coming... Her outro was like stereotypical class Ö-hollywood dress-up bull... Hmm... I wonder can I type here crap... <.<’ And if this was ever to be filmed at least the directors wouldn’t need to worry about ruining the end because from that part it’s already ruined as it can be. x’)

Though at least for somebody the the story ends happily. I am happy that eventually fate smiles for the servan girl called Maria and her  lover who should have gone straight away to Maria and deman her to explain things instead of covardly joining to the navy and then after year passed coming back.... <.<’

But like I spoiled before they’ll have the happy ending. :) And I think that so is with Sofia’s husband who dissappears abroad.... India I think when he goes there to seek his wife... Who never entered on that ship with her lover in the first place since one servant accidently ate precious onion that was quite far from the onion... x’D So the main characters in the story the painter Jan and Sofia will suffer... Which is kind of sad, though I don’t support adultery but still if other has been married other because she has have to makes me just question what’s the purpose of the marriage then if it’s some cruel bargain and spouse is claimed nothing else than property?

Remember the history classes, cookies. Aw.... heck the history classes. They tell about glorious battles and angient kings and glorious inventions that help the human kind and introduce you some quite stupid inventions that are used to make life very difficult just like guns... If they were just to protect the house and hunt for food but no... they are used for kill other human beings, to commit hideous crimes and overtake some areas that might provide some natural resources!!! x7 There might be few words about that in China the high society class girl’s feet were tied to prevent them from escaping...

Maybe some mention about slavery which is also one of the most stupid bullshit that some powerhungry idiots that call themselves as humans have invented... -Most likely because they needed somebody to do the dirty work but didn’t were willing to do that by themselves and raise their fat asses up from the nicely carved divans... x6 *spitting poison*

There might be something to mention about women’s liberations and stuff before that you will never find out unless you don’t have any curiosity to know about those things. Stuff like that I learned while gotten curious about clothing history. Yes, cookies, I am an idiot to willingly read about history and expecially about society and religion history if some interesting is brought to my reach. Until that woman’s liberation day women were pretty much counted as men’s property. Quite foolish and immature thinking don’t you think? Sovinists are those people who still believe in this bullcrap for some odd reason, maybe I’ll one day hear explanation for that crap... And some idiots are just being brainwashed by that one book.... Just because somebody has so calledly created from the rib doesn’t make it anymore less than the one born out.... What?... Let me see... was that a piece of clay, dust or what...

*silent moment*


Oooopsie....  Here we go again... Give me free hands and mind and get ready to duck out of my way. O.o’ I thought that I’ll give you my thoughts about a book I just read and before I  even notice it steams and cooks up as ranting and pointing out few unwillingly dicussed topics what are wrong in our society. x’) So one thing leads to another as they say and by reading Tulip Fever I wouldn’t have brought stuff like this out. ^^’

One other thing that I didn’t have time to mention anywhere sooner. Author has clearly seen some of the paintings of the time where she has gotten her inspiration from and it shows. That’s why she has chosen that painter Jan and that’s why there’s that painting selected for the cover even the fictious Jan and real-life Jan are different persons. There’s left the thought that maybe something like this might have happened. ;) One little detail to make the story interesting for who want’s to read it.

Getting inspirations from old paintings... Gotta get some credit for the author for that because that’s just something not everybody can do. ;)

So therefore I do warmly recomment this book to anyone who’s curious, likes a bit of romance, flowers, humor, scheming, artists, love and has very cruel sense of humor. Perfect to be read in the dark evenings when the wind whacks rain against the window. Wrap inside your sheets or blankes on a nice corner of the bed, sofa or cosy arm chair and began to read. :)

I don’t wish to grade anything to me things are either I like it, hate it or it’s all the same whatever that is. This is somewhere between I liked it and whatever. x’D Whatever comes from of Sofia’s suddently flatten role in the finale...

~ Uku ~ the book reading wiseass coffin owl

Uku's - Unread and read books 2007

Good morning, cookies. This morning I though that I list the books that I am currently in the middle of reading them. I don't surely know why... Probably to show that it is possible to read several books or begin to read several books and forget the ones that are dull... Just like that LoTR book that I lost my interest with since I found it as boring. That narration style is boring, probably not the story since it has its moments though. ^^'

  • Paul Féval - The Vampire Countess ~ If you don't know this Féval was one of the first vampire story writers ever. He wrote this book long before Stoker wrote Dracula. It is not usual bloodbath vampire story, not yet it is at least and it is mysterious masquerade type of thing. :3 I haven't continued reading this since February I think but not because it is boring, but because I used to read this at bus at the morning and at the afternoons. This was kinda pushed aside since I red some other books, wrote and was hanging on MSN too often to pay attention on this. x'D I will be most likely digging this one up at January again. x'D
  • Gilbert Aullen - Le Chevalier mystére ( I couldn't translate the finnish tittle into reasonable sense so let's use the original tittle instead... ) ~ This is probably one of the oldest books I have. It's been printed at 1959 aka looong before I was born. O.O' The story seems very nice and fun as far as I have red it... Something was brought along and it got lost of reading this. :( Well... I think I know where I left with this so I can catch up when feeling like continuing to read this...
  • James Hinton - "The blue moon" ~ I am not even sure if that is the book's real name because the original title hadn't been printed anywhere on the book as they normally are. O.o' This is supposed to be adventure book or something... At this far it is as interesting as seeing evening news about hijacked plane. ^^' Neither I don't have much high hopes about this book... Yeah, that much it is out of the usual books I read.
  • Salman Rushie - Midnight's children ~ Might be interesting when I read more. Yet I don't have not a single thought to good or the worse about it. And hopefully it doesn't keep on moving on in the middle zone. O.o'
  • Kaari Utrio - Eevan tyttäret - naisen, lapsen ja perheen historia ( Daughter's of Eve - the history of women, children and family ) ~ I just wish this book was available in English so everybody could read it and learn a quite deal about it. This one really is interesting and tells a quite deal of stuff that hasn't been printed in school's history books but it should be there and also the history teachers should know about this stuff...
  • Weis & Hickman - The Rose of The Prophet volume one : The Will of The Wanderer ~ Bwahahaaha! It has been a while since I have red anything this funny. x'D And this is really funny or I have odd sense of humor. >'D I just hope that the book stays as funny as how it began after prologue. x'D

    Oookei.... Just seven books to go.. No problem.. x'D And here are the books I think I red this year.... Now I don't count manga volumes here... I am not sure about the first two of the list since I can't remember anymore when exactly I had red them but it was winter and I was at the class so...Yep, it was January 2007. x'D

    • Hideuki Kikuchi - Demon deathchace ~ Ah, Vampire Hunter D. :3 Since that the movie the bloodlust hasn't been the same. Bloodlust is heavy romanced version of the book and it's difficult to say witch one is better... But I really liked this book. :3
    • S.E Hinton ~ Hawke's Harbor ~ A vampire story but not very much from the traditional vampire story route. Neither the writing style was traditional and it was very colorful one. :3 It was a nice story with really sad end. *seeks tissues* And a book for the teens? O.O' Riiiight... even adults can read this and most likely it can get even an adult to cry when it ends....
    • Judy Allen - The Encyclopedia of Fantasy - neat sorta of knollege book. :3 Could be thicker and could be wider... ^^'
    • Lemony Snicket - first three of the Baudelair's orpans's stories. :3 One after another. I know they are for children and all but I got hooked!!! O.O'
    • Deborah Moggach - Tulip Fever ~ Not a book that I normally would read but this one good. O.O' I mean really good... except the end was just easy way out... x'(
    • Debi Gliori - Strega Borgia Chronicles: Pure Dead Magic, Pure Dead Wicked, Pure Dead Brilliant, Deep Trouble, Deep Water and Deep Fear ~ All red. Again and two of the last ones I bought this summer. :3 Last one of the books I was missing Deep trouble I was able to caught from the auction just like the first two of the serie. :3 I just gotta say that I love this serie. :3 And yep, a definetelly a serie of books which I will read over and over again...
    • Anthony Horowitz - Raven's gate ~ Some of the names like Ipswitch reminds me of The Covenant; the movie directed by Renny Harling. Yep, that Finnish movie director. <.<' Ok, and this was about a book, not that movie. x'D Well.. The book was ok and I cannot much wait until second volume is available with Finnish translation. I would be lying if I claim that I hadn't like this book...
    • Kaari Utrio - Kun nainen hallitsi, rakasti ja vihasi ( When woman ruled, loved and hated ) - Sorta of historical cut through and imaginationed life of several marketable women lived in the past times. It was quite interesting stuff to read and the author of the book has ultimate ability to wear a mask of those women and tell their stories and most likely it has been very close as she has told it to be.
    • Paolo Coelho - Alchemist - All I could say after reading this book; WOW! This was something.
    • Mary Norton - The Borrowers - So I have finally red the child's classic and... Uhm... There are parts that made me grin and remember all what I had red about the history and brainwashed behavior of the people of that time. x'D I dunno did I like this book or not. As a story it sounded quite fun and yet it was... I don't know..
    • J.R.R Tolkien - Letter from Father Christmas ~ I red this last week. x'D And it's first Tolkien's book that I managed to finish... O.o' I was surprised that he had used some Finnish words to name three of the characters in the those letters that he wrote to his children as Santa. <.<' No, I did not feel asleep when reading this as I did with LoTR several times. ^^' I dunno... Good imagination for a guy who probably had never been at The North.
    • Judy Allen - Encyclopedia of Supernatural ~ uhm... It was interesting but again a bit too short. ^^' Only some most famous stuff was actually introduced... But lots of pretty pictures. I love the cover art. :3
    • Richard Dalby - Vampire stories ~First this book is one of my resent investments and bought at the auction. And I didn't expect that I would began to read it this much soon... AAAAARGH! The temptation!!!! Collection of short vampire novels. :3 I love this booo-ook..... :3
    • Neil Gaiman - Coraline ~ I could have sworn I saw burton styled figures moving at the back of my mind... But this was really good story. :3

    20 books red. :3 And nothing stops me from reading more. x'D

    Edit- 28-12-2007/ Added few books to the read list. :3

    Edit-30-12-2007 / a book under the read ones. :3

    ~ Uku

    Blog opening - Again

    Hi, cookies, as I promised I would open yet another blog I did it. Since it would get most likely very boring to read booklists at my main blog, I decided to move thoses list into their own blog. Hah, so simple. x')

    Update speed of this blog would be 1 entry/month. It would contain list of the stuff that I have red during that month.