tiistai 27. heinäkuuta 2010

July 2010

I don't remember what all I did read... This month there won't be no manga... I haven't found any volumes that I'm reading that I already hadn't gotten/series have ended months ago. :(

  • Needful Things - Stephen King : Very interesting book and story of what I remember. I bought the book from huuto.net and almost instantly as it arrived I also began to read it. I like the way how he weaves the story and handles multiple characters and turns their life upside down.

torstai 31. joulukuuta 2009

Books December 2009

W00T! It's the end of the year!


  • Dearly Devoted Dexter - Jeff Lindsay - One thing for sure, TV series had been more interesting if they had adopted the book entirely... I was also just about right when I joked that it's so good that it will be finished in couple of days... It was really that good. Dammit, I couldn't much leave it from my hands! Lindsay also used the self point of view and sometimes he uses the poison to describe a person as supergenious but most of the time Dexter sees himself sort of ironic character and it is enjoyable to read on. -Unlike certain Meyer's books... ( 12.12.2009 )

  • Frankensteinin täti ( Frankenstein's aunt )-Allan Rune Petterson - It's one of those books from my childhood that I remember reading and enjoying them. I was thrilled to find it from the auction and I was more thrilled when I could bought it, got it and read it. It hadn't lost the touch, or I had forgotten the main stuff about it. x'D Story begins from an idea that Frankenstein had one strict aunt who then travels to the castle after the incident where villagers chaced him away to set some things straight... She ends up reanimting the monster, there are suspicious town folks included, count Dracula appears and also there is one werewolf included. Not so much of a horror though and not so much of a comedy or parody either but I think I caught some sort of warm message about that not everything can be so black and white, some monsters can change.... especially if they get hit by a lightning. * rofl * and sometimes it is good to give a second chance. :3 ( 22.12.2009 )


  • New Moon -Stephenie Meyer - best scene was with the new car radio installing and that was told in couple of sentenses. I don't seem to be able to continue reading this so might as well quit... first book I have quit reading. But apparently my tolerance level towards shit literature had been reached. I had done wise if I hadn't never ever heard about Twilight...


  • king of hell vol. 16 ( 01.12.2009 )
  • King of Hell vol. 17 ( 02.12.2009 )
  • King of hell vol. 18 ( 03.12.2009 )
  • Priest vol. 8 ( 4.12.2009 )
  • Priest vol.9 ( 4.12.2009 )
  • Priest vol. 10 ( 5.12.2009 )
  • Priest vol. 11 ( 5.12.2009 )
  • Pirest vol. 12 ( 5.12.2009 )
  • Priest vol. 13 ( 6.12.2009 )
  • Inuyasha vol. 51 ( 12.2009 )
  • Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 23 ( 28.12.2009 )
  • King of Hell vol. 1 - MARATHON!!!( 31.12.2009 )
  • King of Hell vol. 2 ( 31.12.2009 )
  • King of Hell vol. 3 ( 31.12.2009 )
  • King of Hell vol. 4 ( 31.12.2009 )
  • King of Hell vol. 5 (31.12.2009 )
  • King of Hell vol. 6 (31.12.2009 )
  • King of Hell vol. 7 (31.12.2009 )
  • King of Hell vol. 8 (31.12.2009 )


  • Fullmetal alchemist chap. 101 ( 3.12.2009 )
  • Fullmetal Alchemist chap. 102 ( 30.12.2009 )

And that's about this year, folks. Happy New Year!

maanantai 30. marraskuuta 2009

Books - November 2009

One year is almost over once again...


  • Rose of the Prophet volume three Prophet of Akhran - Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman - The last volume of the very interesting trilogy and I felt a bit sad because the story ended because I would have wanted to read more.
  • Twilight - Stephenie Meyer - Umh.. I hoped it would have been much better than it actually was... I can name couple of books that are few thousand times much better ones...  ( 25.11.2009 )


  • Inuyasha vol. 50 ( 30.11.2009 )
  • Vampire Hunter D vol. 3 ( 30.11.2009 )


  • honey baby - no further comments. ( 1.11.2009 )
  • tomato pretty - perhaps wise that I won't say anything. For one shot manga and all... um.. yep, interesting... ( 3.11.2009 )
  • teatcer’s pet - cheesh what idiot for a main character. ( 3.11.2009 )
  • MINAMI NO KUNI NO OUJISAMA - I know I’m a pervert but I loved the stories and bishies. <3 I would want this on my bookshelf. ( 3.11.2009 )

perjantai 27. marraskuuta 2009

Twilight - How you shouldn't never tell a story... O..o'

Tittle: Twilight

Finnish edition: Houkutus ( Temptation )

Author: Stephenie Meyer


I have never turned my glare from books about vampires and I thought this might actually be a good stuff to read... That’s what I thought when I made the decision to buy the damn book year ago but had a will to read it now..

It was a disappointment.

I have nothing against sparkling vampires that sun doesn’t kill... I have seen much more stupid vampires in 30 days of Night. Damn brutes that looked like they had been mix-breed with sharks! Cheesh!

I assume that if Dracula could walk in the sunlight... ( I doubt he sparkled... ) and Alucard ( another aspect of Dracula btw ) mentioned that he just hates sunlight....  ( I don’t think he sparkles either... but he would look stunning no doubt of that! )

What make the book so damn disapointment was how to use the characters... It was written from teen girl’s point of view into some mary-sue character worship thing...  Like there are some fanfics for every serie and book and such which start; he looked sooo adonis and his perfect muscles were so stunning and and... I think my face turned into green in every spots... and the whole book was full of that.
That is the danger when choosing I-point of view.

You know the author writes the story like; I saw him standing there...

There were some plot-holes.... Or should I say craters in plotline... Like how the things began to take more and more time to explain just what happened during one day. I wonder in some parts of the relationship how the things got evolved to that...

Howcome Bella’s mom didn’t call his ex and told the news for him so he too should and would have been there in the hospital. What about Bella’s friends, they would have been worried too if she goes missing for two months and teachers and what about her school?! .... I'm quite sure that not even the most seductive vampire on Earth can wipe those things away from mind... O..o'

She closes in her own little bubble with Edward and two months has been spent... Not to mention how incredible stupid Bella can be sometimes and very very very very horny... All that time in the beginning that Edward is so damn frustrated and wanting to get her away it really is a shame that he cannot read Bella’s thoughts... It hadn’t been Bella who had been running away screaming from horror, it had been Edward.

Edward... Sounds like a emo to me. More angsty than Bella who is afraid of commitments but still is potrayed as almost every girl’s fantasy who will willingly jump off the cliff if asked... But it’s overkill to potray him as adonis over and over again, or how tight, sexy his shirt is and yadda yadda yadda.... He doesn’t have any real flaws in his personality or his habits or anywhere. He can control himself and is good at everything and even arrives to safe damsel in stress and drags same damsel in dress to a ball... Only thing he is doing is sneaking into Bella’s room so he is a bit of pervert too and other thing that actually makes him emo is that he whines how terrible it is to be a vampire and how everyone should stay away from him and like he has killed anyone after learning his “fathers” diet. Or constantly reminding that he could kill Bella just like that... Dangerous... rawwwr...
Dangerous up my... <.<’

I was browsing DA for some pretty damn funny fan arts about all what’s wrong about Twilight and was actually pointed out how Bella shamelessly uses Jacob. I thought that was some normal bratty teenager girl thing... Actually she is like little angsty emo girl who hates everything.. If she didn’t like to move to that damn place why didn’t she move somewhere else on her own? The reason why she moved wasn’t actually much clear at all... And her relationship with her dad stayed on very distant. -One could assume that they might have seen each other much more often than that.

I don’t much say nothing about the relationships because they are unique for each person but I would have hoped to see something more. It is dangerous to write from self-I point of view because it’s just one character’s point of view all the damn time and it’s easiest to write a story full of mary-sues, give the very best for the character even no matter how much hurting them in some point...

The author should be happy though, lot of people have read her book and actually bought it or almost bought the entire series...

It tells a lot that as soon as I got mine red I put in the auction and I am hoping to get even one person to give it a new happier home and who might actually love the story. It had it’s avegare good moments and it was almost enjoyable in those but then... all it needed to remind of Edward being a uber hot marble adonis and it completely ruined the any moods the book might had to offer. -Too much is too much and too much is an overkill...

I was about to stop reading when I red the Prologue part.... It made me slam the book shut on that instant and in a sort of way I regret that I did not slam it shut and toss it against the wall and burn the damn thing!

After I red Podkayne of Mars which was written as annoyingly but the main character was more annoying... I did toss that book against the wall. - I haven’t sold that one yet... I guess nobody wants to buy such crap but someday I’ll put that on sale too believe you me.

As a story The Twilight wasn’t even above average of all the books I have ever read. I have read much much better books and I will probably continue reading much better ones. If you want to see real kick ass vampire story, check out Nancy A. Collins’s Sunglasses after dark... unless you’re not afraid of seeing real vampires with fangs and everything. ;)

My friend and I have had lots of discussions about Twilight and my friend said quite well that Edward sounds to be a vampire for people who otherwise would shit in their pants if meeting someone like Alucard from Hellsing or Dracula or anyone more traditional vampire...

True... but it’s not because Edward sparkles in sunset instead of bursting into a flames like some vampire myths say the vampires would... It’s because how he is portrayed as an overkill gary-stue character that makes him repulsive.

I kind of understand why some people would want to label Twilight into joke of modern literature... I blame how how it's been written and how there should have been some level-headed betas to read and stop the author from making some mistakes with the characters. -Or how to portray them anyway...

I joked to my friends that I am just way too old to read or understand it. Or what's so cool about to be reminded how uber hot a character can be. <.<' I don't know how the original English one had been written though but I doubt it has been any better than it's Finnish translation... =..='

I don't think I can go on with New Moon... =..='


( 25.11.2009 )

lauantai 31. lokakuuta 2009

Books - October -2009


  • Dreamcatcher - Stephen King - ( Uniensieppaaja ) I assume I still remembered the movie in some level and so I read the book slowly. It took longer to read it than it took reading Tommykockers few months ago. Slower I guess because I was doing lot of other things like spending too much time on writing and playing rpgs and pc games...  I picked Dreamcather because I wanted to continue with science fiction horror. It wasn't boring to read, boring was when it was to realize how much they actually succeed to fit in the movie from the book but I was then thrilled to find out how different the book is from the movie after all but a little bit of disappointed that Duddits weren't alien. But generally I liked the novel. ( 04.10.2009 )


  • Sunglasses after dark - Nancy A.Colliins - ( Musta yö, tummat lasit as they had translated it in Finnish ) 80's vampire stories.... What is it that most of them are awesome?! This was really interesting modern vampire story and I enjoyed reading it. I did read the translated version but it was done really well. It has been a while since I have red anything like this.(09.10.2009 )


  • Vampyyri - Miten Wilhelm Kojack kuoli kovat kaulassa - ( Kampire - How Wilhelm Kojack died with neck hard )  Jarkko Laine - Different vampire novel from the usual ones presenting very misfortuned vampire who doesn't much like bite on people and lives with tomato soup instead and neither water or sun does any damage. He ends in wrong company. Sort of sad melancholic story with a bit of humor and I had no idea that story written in speech slang could trough publishing. x'D Not a bad story but not amazing either but worth of checking out and worth of reading. ( 11.10.2009 )


  • Rose of the prophet volume two the dark paladin - Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman - Amazing, funny and loaded with adventure. I mean this is what real story should be... O..o' Wow!!! (30.10.2009 )


  • Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 22 ( 12.10.2009 )
  • Fruits Basket vol. 1 ( 18.10.2009 )


  • horror mansion ( 31.10.2009 )

I managed to lost track of what I red.... Posting this so late. :P

torstai 1. lokakuuta 2009

Books - September 2009


  • Model vol. 5 - switching into English edition because Finnish version gets translated so slowly
  • Model vol. 6
  • Priest vol. 5
  • Priest vol. 6
  • Piest vol. 7 - note to self; must get more of this. x'D
  • Inuyasha vol. 48 ( 25.09.2009 )
  • Devil's Bride vol. 2 - ( 25.09.2009 )
  • Mark of The Succubus vol. 3 ( 28.09.2009 ) -Wow what a final to the story. <3
  • Pet shop of Horrors: Tokyo vol. 5 ( 28.09.2009 )
  • Pet shop of Horrors vol. 5 ( 30.09.2009 ) - Last Pet Shop of Horrors in Finnish. I had to get this in Finnish edition because I didn't read correctly at the book store and got the volume 5 of the sequel instead... O.o'
  • Pet shop of Horrors vol. 6 ( 30.09.2009 )


  • Fruits Basket
  • Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 101

I am still reading some books and bought some more, so maybe there's more books mentioned on the next month's list. x'D This month was full of awesome manga volumes. <3


maanantai 31. elokuuta 2009

Books - August 2009

Hi, if you're new here this is again my montly list of some books I have grabbed from my bookshelf and red them during a month. August's list doesn't look so much though and I know it's 2 weeks late. ( Don't believe the date you see. x'D )

Well... I tend to tell what book I red, it's author and some of the thoughts I had after finishing reading, usually something that looks like critique but...


  • Cabal - Clive Barker - I had seen Clive Barker's Nightbreed and I loved the movie on first sight and found the novel in Finnish on one little bookstore. <3 Movie and book go quite a much hand in hand, basic story is quite the same with couple of changes, movie has add few things and cut off some else, book... well... Book is of course better. What a movie Nightbreed had been if the director had made it by the book! Only thing I miss in the book is Shuuna Sassi. And Peloquin from the movie is hot! ( 03.08.2009 )


  • Books of Blood vol 1 - Clive Barker - Or I should probably say it's 1/2 of the original Book of Blood since here the serie has been split in to six volumes. But the stories were shivering. ( 14.08.2009 )


  • Tommyknockers - Stephen King - I got a rather almost given up copy of this from the auction and I need to remember to fix the covers with the tape later... I was getting a bit bored with following one people's activities and then the second one and then the both of them... But it got more and more interesting after reading page after page. Thanks to this book, I tend to sneak offline from IMing quite often and kept long moments of silence in there because I was reading. x'D Story about one finding flying saucer aka UFO from the woods of nearby and how its radiation and/or the ghosts of the spaceship begins to turn people into the long deceased humanoids and how they invent and build all sorts of machines that use batteries to work... Also the reflection to the nuclear disaster is present. The ghost of reality that haunts in the background through the story. I know that this probably should be horror novel but it's something I understand best as a sci-fi novel and one damn good sci-fi novel this one is. ( 30.8.2009 )


Inuyasha vol. 47 ( 21.08.2009 )


Owl's notes:

Sad but true. I didn't get any other manga volumes, mostly because I had decided to buy my copies of Bleach! in English and mostly because certain publisher company that translates and publishes Model, Pet Shop of Horrors, Priest etc.. hasn't translated new volumes to them since... Janyary?! :( -At least January was the situation with Pet Shop and Priest I assume....

They got some new volumes out though, a week after I made the decision and order for English copies of them in September. >..<'

Reading - the best mind candy there is.
