torstai 31. joulukuuta 2009

Books December 2009

W00T! It's the end of the year!


  • Dearly Devoted Dexter - Jeff Lindsay - One thing for sure, TV series had been more interesting if they had adopted the book entirely... I was also just about right when I joked that it's so good that it will be finished in couple of days... It was really that good. Dammit, I couldn't much leave it from my hands! Lindsay also used the self point of view and sometimes he uses the poison to describe a person as supergenious but most of the time Dexter sees himself sort of ironic character and it is enjoyable to read on. -Unlike certain Meyer's books... ( 12.12.2009 )

  • Frankensteinin täti ( Frankenstein's aunt )-Allan Rune Petterson - It's one of those books from my childhood that I remember reading and enjoying them. I was thrilled to find it from the auction and I was more thrilled when I could bought it, got it and read it. It hadn't lost the touch, or I had forgotten the main stuff about it. x'D Story begins from an idea that Frankenstein had one strict aunt who then travels to the castle after the incident where villagers chaced him away to set some things straight... She ends up reanimting the monster, there are suspicious town folks included, count Dracula appears and also there is one werewolf included. Not so much of a horror though and not so much of a comedy or parody either but I think I caught some sort of warm message about that not everything can be so black and white, some monsters can change.... especially if they get hit by a lightning. * rofl * and sometimes it is good to give a second chance. :3 ( 22.12.2009 )


  • New Moon -Stephenie Meyer - best scene was with the new car radio installing and that was told in couple of sentenses. I don't seem to be able to continue reading this so might as well quit... first book I have quit reading. But apparently my tolerance level towards shit literature had been reached. I had done wise if I hadn't never ever heard about Twilight...


  • king of hell vol. 16 ( 01.12.2009 )
  • King of Hell vol. 17 ( 02.12.2009 )
  • King of hell vol. 18 ( 03.12.2009 )
  • Priest vol. 8 ( 4.12.2009 )
  • Priest vol.9 ( 4.12.2009 )
  • Priest vol. 10 ( 5.12.2009 )
  • Priest vol. 11 ( 5.12.2009 )
  • Pirest vol. 12 ( 5.12.2009 )
  • Priest vol. 13 ( 6.12.2009 )
  • Inuyasha vol. 51 ( 12.2009 )
  • Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 23 ( 28.12.2009 )
  • King of Hell vol. 1 - MARATHON!!!( 31.12.2009 )
  • King of Hell vol. 2 ( 31.12.2009 )
  • King of Hell vol. 3 ( 31.12.2009 )
  • King of Hell vol. 4 ( 31.12.2009 )
  • King of Hell vol. 5 (31.12.2009 )
  • King of Hell vol. 6 (31.12.2009 )
  • King of Hell vol. 7 (31.12.2009 )
  • King of Hell vol. 8 (31.12.2009 )


  • Fullmetal alchemist chap. 101 ( 3.12.2009 )
  • Fullmetal Alchemist chap. 102 ( 30.12.2009 )

And that's about this year, folks. Happy New Year!

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