lauantai 31. lokakuuta 2009

Books - October -2009


  • Dreamcatcher - Stephen King - ( Uniensieppaaja ) I assume I still remembered the movie in some level and so I read the book slowly. It took longer to read it than it took reading Tommykockers few months ago. Slower I guess because I was doing lot of other things like spending too much time on writing and playing rpgs and pc games...  I picked Dreamcather because I wanted to continue with science fiction horror. It wasn't boring to read, boring was when it was to realize how much they actually succeed to fit in the movie from the book but I was then thrilled to find out how different the book is from the movie after all but a little bit of disappointed that Duddits weren't alien. But generally I liked the novel. ( 04.10.2009 )


  • Sunglasses after dark - Nancy A.Colliins - ( Musta yö, tummat lasit as they had translated it in Finnish ) 80's vampire stories.... What is it that most of them are awesome?! This was really interesting modern vampire story and I enjoyed reading it. I did read the translated version but it was done really well. It has been a while since I have red anything like this.(09.10.2009 )


  • Vampyyri - Miten Wilhelm Kojack kuoli kovat kaulassa - ( Kampire - How Wilhelm Kojack died with neck hard )  Jarkko Laine - Different vampire novel from the usual ones presenting very misfortuned vampire who doesn't much like bite on people and lives with tomato soup instead and neither water or sun does any damage. He ends in wrong company. Sort of sad melancholic story with a bit of humor and I had no idea that story written in speech slang could trough publishing. x'D Not a bad story but not amazing either but worth of checking out and worth of reading. ( 11.10.2009 )


  • Rose of the prophet volume two the dark paladin - Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman - Amazing, funny and loaded with adventure. I mean this is what real story should be... O..o' Wow!!! (30.10.2009 )


  • Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 22 ( 12.10.2009 )
  • Fruits Basket vol. 1 ( 18.10.2009 )


  • horror mansion ( 31.10.2009 )

I managed to lost track of what I red.... Posting this so late. :P

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