torstai 1. lokakuuta 2009

Books - September 2009


  • Model vol. 5 - switching into English edition because Finnish version gets translated so slowly
  • Model vol. 6
  • Priest vol. 5
  • Priest vol. 6
  • Piest vol. 7 - note to self; must get more of this. x'D
  • Inuyasha vol. 48 ( 25.09.2009 )
  • Devil's Bride vol. 2 - ( 25.09.2009 )
  • Mark of The Succubus vol. 3 ( 28.09.2009 ) -Wow what a final to the story. <3
  • Pet shop of Horrors: Tokyo vol. 5 ( 28.09.2009 )
  • Pet shop of Horrors vol. 5 ( 30.09.2009 ) - Last Pet Shop of Horrors in Finnish. I had to get this in Finnish edition because I didn't read correctly at the book store and got the volume 5 of the sequel instead... O.o'
  • Pet shop of Horrors vol. 6 ( 30.09.2009 )


  • Fruits Basket
  • Fullmetal Alchemist chapter 101

I am still reading some books and bought some more, so maybe there's more books mentioned on the next month's list. x'D This month was full of awesome manga volumes. <3


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