maanantai 31. elokuuta 2009

Books - August 2009

Hi, if you're new here this is again my montly list of some books I have grabbed from my bookshelf and red them during a month. August's list doesn't look so much though and I know it's 2 weeks late. ( Don't believe the date you see. x'D )

Well... I tend to tell what book I red, it's author and some of the thoughts I had after finishing reading, usually something that looks like critique but...


  • Cabal - Clive Barker - I had seen Clive Barker's Nightbreed and I loved the movie on first sight and found the novel in Finnish on one little bookstore. <3 Movie and book go quite a much hand in hand, basic story is quite the same with couple of changes, movie has add few things and cut off some else, book... well... Book is of course better. What a movie Nightbreed had been if the director had made it by the book! Only thing I miss in the book is Shuuna Sassi. And Peloquin from the movie is hot! ( 03.08.2009 )


  • Books of Blood vol 1 - Clive Barker - Or I should probably say it's 1/2 of the original Book of Blood since here the serie has been split in to six volumes. But the stories were shivering. ( 14.08.2009 )


  • Tommyknockers - Stephen King - I got a rather almost given up copy of this from the auction and I need to remember to fix the covers with the tape later... I was getting a bit bored with following one people's activities and then the second one and then the both of them... But it got more and more interesting after reading page after page. Thanks to this book, I tend to sneak offline from IMing quite often and kept long moments of silence in there because I was reading. x'D Story about one finding flying saucer aka UFO from the woods of nearby and how its radiation and/or the ghosts of the spaceship begins to turn people into the long deceased humanoids and how they invent and build all sorts of machines that use batteries to work... Also the reflection to the nuclear disaster is present. The ghost of reality that haunts in the background through the story. I know that this probably should be horror novel but it's something I understand best as a sci-fi novel and one damn good sci-fi novel this one is. ( 30.8.2009 )


Inuyasha vol. 47 ( 21.08.2009 )


Owl's notes:

Sad but true. I didn't get any other manga volumes, mostly because I had decided to buy my copies of Bleach! in English and mostly because certain publisher company that translates and publishes Model, Pet Shop of Horrors, Priest etc.. hasn't translated new volumes to them since... Janyary?! :( -At least January was the situation with Pet Shop and Priest I assume....

They got some new volumes out though, a week after I made the decision and order for English copies of them in September. >..<'

Reading - the best mind candy there is.
