sunnuntai 1. maaliskuuta 2009

Books - February 2009


  • Arto Paasilinna - Suloinen myrkynkeittäjä ( Sweet Poison Cooker ) - It was not the usual book I would pick up and read. Not at all. I think that I guess I am disturbed when I began to read Paasilinna's works. Neither I am much after murder stories. Or drama... Or Finnish drama.... It was about a little while of a life of old granny who got real thug as her nephew and two jerks as his friends. Well they were blackmailing the money out of the granny, had made and planned more crimes and made a lot quite grouse crimes and finally tried to kill this granny. Well, the granny got away from them after they had forced her to sing her last will. She then got interested of cooking poisons. For herself because she rather would have killed herself than let those crooks to get her life. She had help in the end tough and she had good luck with her. - The crooks died, one after another, pretty much by their own fault. One sat accidentally on her poison syringe and died. Second one thought it was just a drug and injected himself with it and got then pushed over the rail in the ship. x'D Third one then kidnapped her granny and tried to drown her but he got carless, managed to broke his leg and ribbs with ( airos ) when trying to sash the granny... And eventually by accident he died when ( airo ) drop on his head and smashed his skull... After that life was bit happier for the granny. :3 But when she died she end in hell ( apparently where all Finns and their close relative nations end ) where these three were waiting for her but she had help there too, her husband and her second husband and Devil himself. x'''''D What I learned from the last pages... Lady is Lady even in Hell. x'D Book was short, easy to read in three or two days but I got a bit amazed by how much stuff there was fit and squished in 195 pages. O.O' Story was grotesgue and not suitable for minors... unless they really think they can survive from it. It tells quite clear about that crime isn't worth it, neither drinking isn't worth it. While I was reading it I waited the crooks to die. Die very painfully and was ready to write fanfic about it sending my lovely flesh eating-people/things burrowing horse OC to play with that trio. So it brought up rather dark emotions towards crimes so I was delighted to see how they drop dead one after another. :3 ( 05.02.2006 )


  • Neil Gaiman's Absolute Sandman vol. 3 -


  • Vagabond vol. 4 ( 05.02.2009 )
  • Tarot Café vol. 7 - Last part of that serie and it was... well... Surprising. :3 ( 16.02.2009 )
  • Priest vol. 4 ( 16.02.2009 )
  • Inuyasha vol. 41 ( 16.02.2009 )
  • Death Note vol. 9 ( 25.2.2009 ) - Not sure when but at last week anyway...


There has been Black Blood Brothers, newest chapter to Fullmetal Alchemist and new translated chapter of Trinity Blood. :3 For sure I have added Black Blood Brothers on my manga's what I want to get when they are available list.
